Waking up

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Hey guys! Here's a update 😄 Please comment what you think I would love to hear what y'all think and click that cute little star in the corner for me 😀 Thank you!

"Oooo" I groaned as I slowly came to.
What the heck where am I!? I quickly say up and slammed my head against something hard
"Owww" I moaned
"Ari!" I heard someone say
I freaked and my eyes shot open and I tried to sit up but again proceed to slam my head again winching in pain.
"Gah! I yelled holding my head and open my eyes again and I looked up into the beautiful eyes of Carl.
"Hey you ok?" He asked
"Do I look ok" I replied back sarcastically
"Sorry" He muttered
I sighed "No I'm sorry I'm being a jerk" I said with a smile
"You have every right to be" He said with a smile and we slipped into a silence not knowing what to say.
"We'll do you think I could get something to eat and where is Daryl?"
"Oh yea! He went on a run, he didn't want to but my dad needed him and made him, you should have seen him he had to practically shove Daryl into the car, it was pretty funny" He said laughing and I laughed along with him.

"So?" I asked
"Oh yea food!" He said with a smile and he got up off the bed and helped me get up and then he leaned down and picked me up bridal style and I looked at him shocked. But then a shooting pain went through my leg and I remember I had hurt it and that was why he was carrying me. I smiled at him masking the pain that was shooting through my leg.
He smiled back and we walk through the cell door and down a hall to a cafeteria.
"She's awake" A couple people shouted with smiles on their faces and few of the guys whistled at Carl carrying me and the girls just smiled widely and then the girl with short brown hair came over to me smiling.
"Hey how are you feeling" She asked in a thick country accent
"Better but I'm super hungry" I said with a smile
"Beth will give you some food, Carl you get set her down over here by me and Glenn"
My head shot up and I looked over at the man they called Glenn and gasped.
"Glenn!" I yelled with a laugh
"Hey there little Dixon" I smiled at his nickname for me and hugged him tight when Carl set me down next to him.
"How have you been" I asked excited to see him. We both had lived in the same camp when this all started.
Then that camp didn't turn out well and walkers overtook it and Glenn and I were separated.
"Good" He said smiling "I thought you were dead"
"Yea same here! I got separated and then decided just to go look for my brothers, because I couldn't find you"
"Yea I looked for you everywhere but there were to many walkers so I had to leave. I'm glad your here and alive Little D" He said
Carl came back with my food and I dug in starving. As we finished eating we heard commotion in the hall I look up as I heard Daryl's voice.
"Where is she?" He yelled
"She's eating" Someone yelled back
And seconds later he stormed into the room looked around the room for me found me and came rushing over picking me up and a warm embrace kissing my fore head.
"Hey there sweetheart" He said
"Hey big brother" I replied just so happy to be near him, so glad that I found him
"Hey I see your up" Rick said as he walked into the room
I smiled and leaned on Daryl for support facing Rick
"Yes I figured I'd been sleeping for too long and should get up and help some around here" I said smirking
"That would be nice, we could sure us some help around here, farming, killing walkers, going on runs stuff and thangs like that."
"Yea in pretty good at all that stuff"
"Good because we will be needing you"
"Course" I said with a smile and a wink
Rick just laughed and turned to Carl
"Carl why don't you take Ari to the cell you two will be sharing"
"U-m y-ya ok" He replied stuttering
I grinned and looked at Daryl who looked ticked and just grinned and winked at him.
We where headed towards the door when Daryl yelled out "Don't do anything stupid Carl got it, remember she's my sister" glaring holes into him.

I choked on my laughter trying o keep it down. Ahhh I love my brother always the protective one. I flash a smile at Daryl and then turn and wink at Carl who blushes madly as I walk out. Then I realize I have no idea where I am going, so I stop and turn around and wait for Carl. He smiles at me as he walks past and we walk to our shared cell me grinning like an idiot.

Hey guys! Me again or I could say...
Hello it's me
Haha jk 😄😂😂
Ok sorry it took me soooo long to update hopefully won't happens again! Please comment and like if you like and the chapters will get longer 😀 And I will update soon! And just to let y'all know I changed my name it's no longer Arya!!  It's IrishAngel!

Love Love

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