Chapter 5 - Analysis

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It was finally the end of the day, and boy was I glad of it. I'd accidentally smashed someone in the back of the head with a soccer ball in P.E, which Rye and his mates thought was pretty funny. I, however, felt really bad; the boy had to go to the infirmary for the remainder of the lesson, and I was given a little chat by the P.E instructor to soften my kicks a bit next time. I made a note of that as I exited the school building on my own, looking around for Rye's car. Since I was staying with him and Charlie for now, Pax hadn't been able to drive me to or from school, which sucked. I tried to catch up with him whenever I could, but there was only so many times I could see him where it was convenient for us both. And, seeing as how we were on different schedules, and his didn't revolve around mine, it'd been a bit hard to see him, as of late.

As I looked around for Charlie's bright orange hair, my eyes stopped on another's; this person had brown hair, with streaks of blonde trailing through it to make it look lighter. They also had a pack of ice to the back of their head, which made my eyes widen slightly before I bit my lip. Was I brave enough, I wondered, to approach him and ask him if he was okay? Mind you, this was someone I'd not met before, and no one was there to introduce us. It was all up to me.

But the little voice in my head was drowned out over the sound of me walking over to the boy and his car, which he was leaning against as he looked down at his phone. His eyes, as I got closer, looked the same as his hair; they were a dazzling brown that made me feel light in the stomach as I came to a stop in front of him, leaning forward slightly to catch his attention.

"Um, sorry to bother you," I said first, "but I just recognised you from P.E today, and I know I hit you in the back of the head. So I guess I wanted to... apologise? And see if you were alright?"

The boy lifted his head, and his features made my insides tense. His skin was toned and healthy, and he had soft features that could melt ice to putty. He was, if I'm being completely honest here, one of the most attractive people I remembered meeting.

"Oh, right," he said, his voice smooth and charming as a smile stretched to life on his face. "From P.E. You're new here, aren't you?"

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled, looking down at my feet.

"Kind of," he replied slyly. "Also, I think I'd remember meeting someone like you. It's not everyday a knock-out girl almost actually knocks you out in her first lesson."

I blushed slightly, managing to conjure up a smile as I averted my eyes to keep from staring. "Yeah, sorry about that by the way; I hope it doesn't hurt too badly. I wasn't aiming for you; I wasn't really aiming for anyone, actually."

He laughed a full-hearted laugh. "Nah, it's okay," he replied with a wide grin. "Next time we have P.E, you might have to watch out though; I might just not see you standing there."

I gasped. "No, don't do that!" I exclaimed, morphing my expression into a light laugh. He grinned back at me, then a thought occurred to him as he widened his brown eyes at me.

"Wow, how rude of me," he said with a frown. "You don't even know who I am. My name's Fletcher, and it's nice to meet you." Fletcher stuck his hand out to me, his other holding the ice to his head. I took his hand swiftly and shook it, a smile curling my lips upward.

"Liv," I replied coolly. "My name's Liv. And the pleasure is all mine."

"Liv and Fletcher," he echoed as he returned his hand to his head. "We sound like twins already."

I laughed cheerily, and was about to say something else when I heard a shout from across the carpark. I turned slightly to see Rye walking up to me, his lips twisted sideways.

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