Chapter 14 - The 'Talk'

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(Rye's P.O.V)

By the time the week was over, and Saturday was upon us, we had the camp packed up well before the itinerary stated, and were on the bus by 8 o'clock. I sat up the back, beside Max, and practically slept the whole way. I didn't want to think about anything, to be honest. Too much was happening at once, and I was struggling to keep up. I was supposed to have found somewhere else to stay by now, because my parents would've been back at 'their' house by then. I was planning on rocking up at Liam's house, and crashing there. But then this whole Chemistry assignment was putting me on edge, because I had been distracted the entire week, unable to understand any of the work I was forcing Max to do. In addition to that, I had Pax and his sister to worry about, which shouldn't have even been my problem. But I was afraid I'd done something really bad, and that had been the first thing consistently on my mind throughout the camp. And I still didn't know what to do about it.

One major set-back I decided over my time away - after much denial – was that I actually cared about Liv. Seeing her suffering at the cause of myself or something else entirely just hurt, and I never wanted to see her in pain ever again. I never wanted to force her to do what I made her do on the dock earlier in the week. I was still beating myself up about it; I think that was the major decider, actually. The fact that I was still thinking about it, and her... it annoyed me, however. I didn't want to find myself attached to anything, much less a girl. I really couldn't afford to let her into my head. Although I knew that her life was way more f*cked up than mine, I still had secrets and stories that I didn't want anyone else finding out about. But if we got closer, I feared that I would be forced to spill the truth. And that pissed me off.

"Rye, we're here," a voice mumbled in my ear, and something started prodding my stomach painfully. I yelped and sat up, shoving Max's hands away with a scowl.

"F*ck off, Max," I muttered, rubbing my forehead before letting out a yawn. As I looked around, I realised we were in the school carpark, and it looked to be about half-past-two. My heart started thumping as I realised that I was much closer to having to face everything worrying me, and I wanted to hide in the bus and never come out again. But I stood up, grabbed my bag and walked down the aisle, stepping off the bus last after the rest of my Chemistry class. But Charlie's car wasn't here.

Pax's was.

I let out a heavy sigh as I trudged towards him, as he leant on the front of his car. "Am I safe, or can you wait until tomorrow to smack me? I've had a rough week."

"Have you, now?" Pax sighed, raising an eyebrow at me before crossing his arms over his chest. I slowed down as I reached him, pulling my bag strap higher on my shoulder.

"Although I assume yours has been rougher..." I added quietly. Pax just flicked his head backwards, gesturing to the car.

"Get in," he ordered as he straightened his back, moving around to the side of the car. I swallowed and obeyed, chucking my bag in the passenger side before following it.

The car ride was quiet, and it was mostly because both of us had heaps to say, but one of us was too livid to say anything and the other one was too scared. Pax could be a very scary man when he wanted to be, and there were few times when he actually scared me. Now would be a perfect example of one of those times.

When we arrived at Pax's house, one of the first things I noticed was the car in the driveway. If I remembered correctly, it was the siblings Mum's car. Last time I was at this house when that woman was present was when Liv saw her mum for the first time in two years. From what I heard, it hadn't been an enlightening encounter.

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