Chapter 6 - Let's Talk

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Over the next few days, no one asked me about the hospital or anything to do with my past life, and it was kind of weird. It was now Friday, and all I'd done throughout the week was be around people who wanted to be in my company. It was nice, I had to admit. I also had a camp on Sunday all the way through to the following Saturday, which I was getting more and more nervous about. My last lesson for the day was Chemistry, however, so maybe I could talk to Mrs. Jones about Pax signing it for me?

I walked into the lab and approached Mrs. Jones cautiously, adjusting my bag on my shoulder constantly.

"Liv, just the person I wanted to see," Mrs. Jones announced as she saw me, and I smiled weakly. "You have your consent form with you? You're the last one, and we leave on Sunday."

"Mrs. Jones, I don't actually have anyone to sign for me," I admitted finally, looking around. I locked eyes with Rye, who was standing behind his desk. I gave him a look that said 'Help me!' and looked back at Mrs. Jones, who was frowning at me.

"You're mother is still at home, isn't she?" she asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, but-"

"Then that's all I need, a signature from her," she interrupted.

"But Mrs. Jones-"

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" Rye glided into the conversation, and I almost sighed in relief, but kept it to myself.

"I was just talking to Liv about her consent form," Mrs. Jones told him with a frown. "What can I do for you, Mr. Montgomery?"

He looked at me, gesturing to Max. "I'll handle it, you go," he murmured to me so only I could hear. I was tempted to hug him, but I nodded tightly and moved over to stand with Max. I glanced over my shoulder, catching him talking to Mrs. Jones in a serious kind of way. I sighed, looking over to Max as he glanced between myself, Rye and Mrs. Jones.

"What's that about?" he asked before I could ask him not to.

"Mrs. Jones mightn't know the position my mum is in," I replied quietly. "She wants a consent form from me, but..."

"But your mum won't give one," Max finished for me, frowning. "Shouldn't you just be able to get Pax to sign for you, since he's eighteen?"

I shrugged. "I should be able to," I sighed. "Rye's talking to her, though, so I might be able to get away with that."

"You and Rye are like, mates now, huh?" Max said with a smirk, and I turned to look at him, blinking.

"What?" I asked. "Well, I am kind of living with him, so it'd be pretty stupid if we we didn't talk to each other, right?"

Max just laughed, and I sighed as Rye turned from Mrs. Jones, a smug smile on his face. He looked at me as he walked passed and nodded. I couldn't help but smile. I mouthed a 'thank-you' to him, and he winked back at me before he was out of my sight, and I returned my eyes to the textbook between Max and myself, smiling still.

"Liv," Max said hesitantly.

"Hm?" I murmured, my eyes still skimming the description of Nitrogen. I glanced up when Max didn't say anything, and caught onto his expression. He was gawking at me, and I blinked. "What, what'd I do?" I asked slowly, glancing sideways for a second before returning his stare with one of my own. "Max?"

"You like him, don't you?" he demanded quietly, and threw his head back to bark a laugh. I felt a blush coming to my cheeks, but I forced it down angrily.

"What the hell, Max?" I shot back with a glare. "I do not! I hardly know him!"

"You've know him a week now, Liv," Max argued. "Oh, sh*t; this is not good."

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