Chapter 10 - The Perks of Having Anxiety

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When we arrived at the area Rye, Max and I were supposed to be studying, the first thing I noticed was the amount of rubbish littering the entire floor of the 'forest'-like-clearing we were standing in. When I saw this, the first thing I actually did was sigh.

"You'd think that people could find somewhere else to party that wasn't in the middle of nowhere," I muttered, noting the empty beer cans and half-used cigarette butts. "I can hardly remember how we got here as it is."

The second thing I noticed was the lack of healthy trees. Majority of the trees in the area had been hacked at the base, leaving stumps in their place. When I saw that, the second thing I actually did was shake my head.

"Well," I murmured, taking my pen out, "if that's not a clue, I don't know what is."

"What's a clue?" Max asked as I began to write down my observations.

"Deforestation," I replied. "It's affecting the way the lifestyle around it; there used to be animals living in these trees, and around this area, but they've had to migrate because of the lust humans have for money." Max hesitated, then started grinning, holding his thumbs up in approval.

"Good observation," he declared. "Now, we just need about 19 more. Rye, you're up."

"Rain erodes sand," Rye commented, and I turned to look at him.

"Really?" I replied, an eyebrow raised. "That's your observation?" Rye looked up, meeting my eyes.

"Yes," he answered, nodding. "Max, you're turn."

"There are rocks?" Max suggested, but it was more of a question than anything. I sighed heavily. This was going to take forever.

Throughout the entire time we were out on site studying for our topic, I was the only one that did any serious work. Rye and Max were sword fighting for majority of the time, and taking 'toilet breaks' for the rest of it, and I had all the observations completed in my own book. We got back together at 3 and walked back to have an end-of-the-day briefing, where each group summarised about their findings. I got Max to read ours out, although he couldn't clearly understand my notes. That was mainly his fault, for all the dirt he was throwing at my papers.

It was a little before 5 when we got to go and have some time to ourselves, which stuck fairly true to the itinerary. I decided to have a shower, and then head back to my cabin to catch some sleep; I hadn't rested my legs all day, and my brain wouldn't have minded having a break either. So I took a shower, headed back to my cabin without encountering anyone, climbed into bed and closed my eyes.

Only for my phone to ring 10 seconds later.

Groaning, I opened my eyes and reached a hand out to the side table, grabbing my phone in my hand so I could check the screen. Surprise surprise, it was Pax. Sighing heavily, I answered it.

"What's going on this time?" I asked through a yawn as I sat up, stretching.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Pax asked, a grimace detected in his voice. I finished my yawn with another hefty sigh, blinking heavily.

"Sure did," I replied tiredly. "What can I do for you?"

"Just checking in," he answered smoothly. "How did the first day of chemistry go?"

"I did all the work," I grumbled, throwing my legs over the side of the bed. "Max and Rye were sword-fighting the whole time."

"You should've slapped 'em both," Pax mused. "Mrs. Jones wouldn't have told you off, either; she would've encouraged you."

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