My bestfriend's Brother

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I woke to the sound of my alarm. It's Monday dammit I hate Monday's. I did my daily routine. I put on a long sleeved crop top and high waisted jeans with black wedges. I put my hair in a high messy bun and grabbed my things and left. I hopped in my car and went to pickup Lily and Brooklyn. I got Lily first who was blabbing on about how Johnny asked her to go with him to the fall social with him and she said yes. We went to Brooklyn's house but she wasn't ready. So we sat on their sofa and waited. Lily went to go take a poop disgusting I know. I was alone then I heard footsteps. It was Caleb. "Hey your waiting for brooke?" He asked. "Yep she is taking forever." I sighed. "Yea I know she always take forever to get ready." He said. He pulled me in and we kissed. Our lips moved in sync and he slowly put his tongue in. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed harder. "Whoa damn." Lily said walking in. Caleb pulled away and put me down. "Oh um hey Lily." He said. "Hey Caleb why are you kissing my bestfriend?" She asked. "This isn't our first time that we kissed and he's taking me out on Friday." I said. "Hey guys sorry I took to long my makeup would not look right." Brooke said running downstairs. "It's fine let's go we're late." Lily said. I hugged Caleb when they walked out and ran behind them.

We pulled up but the bell hadn't rang because everyone was still haging around. Oh yeah I like being early to school. I got out walked and went straight to my locker. "What the hell is going on between you and Caleb?" Lily asked. "Well yesterday after I left the carnival Caleb called me so I went to his house and he told me that his girlfriend left him for someone else and I was kinda going through the same thing that's when we hugged and he kissed me and my body felt all mushy and like fireworks but he stopped and I liked so he asked me out and I said yes." I explained. "Who asked you out?" I turned around to see Daniel and Naomi standing there. "None of your damn business." I snapped at him. "Hey calm down I just wanted to know damn." He said. "You have a whole fucking girlfriend so stay out of my fucking life dude." I said then pulled Lily away. Brooklyn went to the library again. We walked in the chemistry lab. WAIT DAMMIT I'M DANIEL'S FUCKING PARTNER. I sat down and pulled my notebook out. Everyone started filling in but I didn't see Daniel or Naomi. THEY'RE FUCKING I KNOW THEY ARE. "Adrianna please go find Daniel and Naomi." The teacher said. "Umm ok." I said. I walked out the classroom and walked down the hall. I went to the bathrooms, empty classrooms, then I checked the janitors closet. I walked in and saw Naomi giving Daniel a BLOWJOB. I took out my phone and took a video of it. "YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING SLUTS." I yelled laughing. Then I shut the door. I skipped back to the classroom and walked in. "Did you find them." The teacher asked. "Yes and let's say that is one show." I said giggling. "Um ok sit down and take these notes." She said.

"Look at this." I said handing Lily and Brooklyn my phone. "Eww that's fucking gross." Brook said. "I know right." I said then I got a text message.

Caleb💋: Hey can you come over after school?
Me: It depends what for?
Caleb💋: How does a movi and pizza sound?
Me: Perfect. I'll see you at 3:30
Caleb💋: Awesome see ya
Me: see ya xx

"Who ya texting?" Brooklyn asked. "Your brother." Lily said. "Oh okie dokie." She said. I ate my fries until someone tapped me on the shoulder. "You horny bitch." Naomi said. "I'm the horny one?" I asked. "You ever pull that stunt again I'll ruin you." She hissed. "Bitch with a push of a button your life will be done, oh and I think you still have cum on your cheek." I said. She stormed off and the girls and I were laughing our asses off. The bell rung signaling us to go to our last bell. Luckily I had p.e. with Brooklyn. We walked in the locker room and got changed. We walked out and started exercising. "Hey what were you and my brother talking about?" Brooklyn asked. "He wants me to come over for pizza and a movie." I said. "Can Lily, Johnny, and I come?" She asked. "Sure but our date is on friday so you can't come to that." I said. "Ok deal." She said.

We pulled up to Brooklyn's house and we all got out. "Hey Anna." Caleb said kissing me on the cheek. "Hey handsome." I said kissing him on the cheek. "You guys ready for a movie?" Caleb asked. "Yep." We all said. "Follow me." He said. We walked to the backyard and it was decorated beautifully.

 We walked to the backyard and it was decorated beautifully

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Caleb and I layed on the chair in the middle. Lily and Johnny Layed on the chair to our right. Brooklyn and Nathan sat on the ground. Daniel and Naomi sat on the chair to our left. Since Daniel and Johnny are bestfriends Johnny decided to invite him. We decided to watch neighbors the best zac efron movie other than high school musical. I layed my head on Caleb's chest and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel Daniel staring at me but I didn't care.

Thr movie was halfway done and everyone was sleeping except Caleb and I. He kissed me and I kissed back. He put me on his lap so I was now straddling him. "Can you guys go one day without kissing damn." Lily said halfway sleep. "Sorry but I can't resist I mean look at him." I said. I went back to kiss him again. His hands held on waist tightly. We pulled away and I layed my head on his chest. "Hey so there's this fall social and I was wondering if you would want to go with me?" I asked. "I'd love to." He said. "Goodnight cal." I said. "Goodnight Anna."

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