My boyfriends back

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"Ok class you can pack up." The mentor said. I have been working my ass off. The dress is halfway done. I finished the top half of the dress. I decided to give the dress to Tamia for Christmas. I grabbed my things and walked out.

"Hey Anna how was your first day?" My mom asked as I put on my seat belt. "It was amazing, how is the new York business?" I asked. "It needs some work but I can handle it." She said. "Girl power." I said and she laughed.

We pulled up to the building and I got out. I walked and saw white roses all over the lobby. Those flowers remind me of daniel. Why did I have to be so dumb. I miss him so much. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and get into the elevator.

The elevator dings and I walk inside and see white roses. What the fuck. "Mom where these flowers come from?" I asked. "I have no idea." She said. I shrugged and walked to my room. I opened the door and white rose petals were all over my bed and on the floor they spelled I love you. "This beautiful." I said. "You're beautiful." Someone said from behind me. I snapped my head around and saw Daniel. "When did you do this?" I asked. "Earlier." He said. "When did you get here?" I asked. "This morning." He said. "I love you Adrianna." He said. "How do I know that you fucked my bestfriend." I said. "I know that and I regret that everything walking out on you, breaking your heart everything." He said. "How do I know you won't do it again?" I asked. "I have trust issues but you're helping me break out of that." He said. "I don't know Daniel I honestly don't know." I said. "I fucking love you and I never stopped." He said. "So why did you have sex with her?" I asked. "I was hurt my mind was all over the place I wasn't thinking straight." He said. "But that was best friend and hurt me like hell." I said. "I know that and I'm sorry Anna I need you." He said. "I need you too." I said. He walked closer and I did the same thing. He cupped my cheek and I put my hand on his shoulder. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." I said. He pressed his lips on to mine and the sparks were crazy.

He picked me up and spun me around. "Please don't leave me, please don't hurt me." I said. "I won't I promise." He said. "Yours and only yours." I said. "I'm yours and only yours I promise." He said. He laid me down on and laid beside me. I put my head on his chest and he pulled me in. "I'm leaving tomorrow." He said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight beautiful." He said. "Goodnight handsome." I said then drifted off to sleep.

I woke in Daniel's arms. I slept great last night but he's going home today. "Good morning baby." Daniel said. "Good morning babe." I said. I got up and walked to the shower. I got in and washed up.

I got out and put on my undergarments and walked to my closet and put on a black sweater that said I woke up like this. I put on jeans and black booties. I curled my hair and did my makeup. "You look casual for the first time." Daniel said. "Thank you." I said. "I gotta get going." He said. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said. We kissed for the last time and he left.

"Goodbye sweetie." My mom said. "Goodbye mom." I said. I walked in and greeted lobby girl and went to my assigned building.

"Please get started on your designs." The mentor said. I got my fabric and mannequin and started working. "What is this going to be when its finished?" The mentor asked. "My brother's girlfriend's wedding dress." I said. "Marvelous and for your second design?" She asked. "My prom dress." I said. "Awesome well you keep working." She said then walked away.

I finished the bottom half and sewed the two pieces together. "I'm finished." I told the nearest mentor. "Perfect I'll get you a dress bag and you can put in there and take it home." She said. I nodded and walked to the materials closet. I got the peach fabric and jewels and see through fabric. I walked back to my station and started working. I am going to be behind Its going to take forever to finish this dress.

"Here you are." The mentor said handing me the dress bag. "Thank you." I said. I carefully put the dress into the bag and hung it up with my things. I walked back over to my station. I started working on the jewel part of my dress and the bell rung. "Ok everyone It's time for break." The mentor said. I walked away from my station and sat down. I pulled out my phone and went on Instagram. I decided to take a picture and post it.

I put my hair in front of my left eye and put my head down. I took it and posted it with the comment: Love new York but I miss you guys💕

The bell rung again and I put my phone away and walked to my station. I started putting the jewels on the see through part.

"Ok everyone please pack up." The mentor said. I shut the light to my station off and grabbed my things and the dress and walked out.

"Hey sweetie what's that?" My mom asked. "Tamia's wedding dress." I said. "Oh splendid." My mom said. I shrugged. "What's wrong?" She asked. "I was invited she called me and told me that I wasn't invited." I said. "You're the grooms sister and best friend you are important your in charge on how she looks with out you the wedding wouldn't be right." My mom said. I am important very important.

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