New year New me

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Today is new year's Eve and I am so excited for the party but I'm so scared to tell my dad about me being pregnant. I got in the shower washed up and washed my hair. I made a smiley face on my stomach and smiled at it. Even though I just found out I was having a baby I loved my fetus. I talked to the fetus last night while laying in my bed and my mom took a video of it. I got out of the shower and and put on my undergarments. I walked to my closet and put on my dress and and slipped on my heels. I still had on my promise ring on for some reason. Daniel and I aren't broken up officially but I've given him his space today. I put on my ear rings and bracelets and did my makeup. I curled my hair and walked downstairs.

"You look beautiful sweetheart." My dad said. "Thanks dad." I said. The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door and I saw Tamia and her family. "There's my pregnant sister." She said. "There's my pregnant sister." I said. She giggled and hugged me. "Where's chris?" She asked. "He's making snacks you can see him but stay away from mom." I said. She laughed and nodded. Everyone walked in and I shut door. "Dad there is something I have to tell you." I said. "What is it?" He said then the doorbell rang. I got up and walked to the door.

I opened the door and my aunts, uncles, and cousins stood there. "Adrianna!" They said in unison. "Family!" I said. They all walked in and Lily and Johnny along with their families walked up. "How is ma best friend and ma godbaby?" Lily asked. "We're good please come in." I said. They walked in and I shut the door. "Where's Daniel?" Johnny asked. "He should be on his way." I said. "Oh ok." He said then walked off.

The door bell rang again and I'm praying that it's Daniel. I opened the door and saw Daniel and Brooklyn along with their family. "Adrianna how are you feeling?" Mrs. Stevens asked. "I had morning sickness and I'm craving onion rings." I said. "Awww well I hope you feel better." She said. "Thank you mom is in the kitchen." I said. She nodded and walked in. Daniel and Brooklyn walked past me without saying a word. I shut the door and went in the kitchen. "No no no Adrianna out." My mom said. "But mooooooooomm I'm hungry." I whined. "You've been hungry all day." She said. "I'm eating for two mommy." I said. "Out you get food when its ready." She said. I groaned and walked out of the kitchen.

I walked in the living room and sat in the rocking chair. "Granny's being a meanie." I said rubbing my stomach. Everyone was too busy having their own conversation to notice me. "I want onion rings." I whined. I got up and walked back in the kitchen. "Mommy can I get onion rings?" I asked. "Ugh go ahead its only because that's the cravings talking." She said. I squealed and piled my plate with onion rings. "Syrup." I said. She went in the cabinet and handed me the syrup. I drowned the onion rings in syrup and walked out. I sat down at the table and started eating my onion rings. "You have the most weirdest cravings ever." Chris said walking past. "Fuck you!" I said and he chuckled. I finished my onion rings and walked into the living room and sat down in the rocking chair. "If you're a girl I might name Hayden but if you're a boy I might name you Jayden." I said rubbing my belly. Ugh I'm obsessed with this fetus. "I like Hayden it's pretty." Johnny said. "Thanks Johnny." I said still rubbing my belly. "I know Daniel is being a fucking prick." He said. "Yes and if I hadn't got my onion rings I would've turned this bitch upside down." I said. "I actually believe you." He chuckled. "I'm glad that you picked me as the godfather." He said. "You're ma mon bestfron how could I not." I said. He chuckled and I laughed. "Johnny Daniel wants to speak to you." Brooklyn said. Johnny looked at me and I nodded. "Go ahead I'll just talk to ma baby." I whispered. He nodded and walked away. "Your daddy is a douche but mommy loves him for some reason." I said. My mom walked in and walked to the front. "May I have everyone's attention please?" She asked. Everyone stopped talking and looked at her. "There is something that only Adrianna, Lily, myself, and some other people know but Adrianna wants to share it with you all." She said. I got up and walked to the front. "So I am super scared and please be supportive about this." I said. "What is it?" Aunt Amy said. "I'm pregnant." I said. Everyone smiled and clapped. "I'm only one week and I'm already obsessed with my child." I said. "I'll be in new York for majority of the pregnancy but I promise to keep everyone informed and I will send ultrasounds." I said. My dad stood up. "Daddy are you mad?" I asked. "No sweetie I'm happy I'll support you every step of the way." He said. He hugged me and I smiled. "Where is Daniel?" My dad said. No one answered. "WHERE IS DANIEL?" He asked again. "Outside." Lily said. My dad grabbed my hand and we walked outside.

We saw Daniel and Brook swinging on the porch swing. "He was the one that got you pregnant?" My dad asked. "Yes." I said. Daniel stood up and I backed up. "Didn't you say that you loved her?" My dad asked. "Yes I did." Daniel said. "So why are you out here with some other girl instead of my pregnant daughter?" He asked. "We broke up sir." He said. My dad shook his head and turned around and looked at me. "You up nachos with ketchup it was your mom's favorite snack when she was pregnant with you." He said. I nodded and we walked inside. He grabbed a plate and put the nachos in it and put ketchup on it then gave it to me. I started eating and instantly fell in love. "These are so good!" I said. "I knew you'd like them." My dad said.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone yelled. "New year new me!" I said late because I was sleeping. Everyone looked at me and I laughed. "Sorry bad timing." I said.

But this year 2016 there will be a new Adrianna Nicole Brooks




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