Chap 4

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm my eyelids feel heavy on me. I sit on my bed and stretch my arms up. It feels so good. I get out of bed grabbing the cloth I picked last night and head to the bathroom.

"COULD YOU FOR ONCE GET THE BABY SOME MILK OR DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO DO IT?" I hear my mother shout from downstairs.

"IM GOING TO EXERCISE.." he begins to shout back but it's too early for me to listen to all this crap. I close the bathroom door and connect my phone to some speakers I have next to the sink. I turn the volume as high as I can so I can ignore all the shouting from downstairs.

I take a while in the shower before I finally decide I should get out, I put on a regular pair of jeans with loose yellow shirt maybe too lose on me because of the lack of boobs I have. I go to my room make a messy bun and debate wether if I should wear makeup or not. I decide to wear just a little to cover up my under eyes. I run over to the drawers to collect some socks I grab the first two I find even if they don't match I don't really care. I wear my black boots and I'm out the door to downstairs.

Dad seems to have left considering the lack of noise in the house. My mom is feeding my brother some baby food. I walk over to the fridge to see what I can grab to eat before I leave.

"I made you breakfast." My mother says. It's very odd when she makes breakfast so I awkwardly walk towards the kitchen table to see what she made. I look at the plate and its scrambled eggs with what seems to be turkey bacon. I sit down grabbing a fork, it taste so good. Once I finish eating I place my plate into the dishwasher.

"Bye mom." I say walking out of the kitchen.

"Be careful."

"Yeah." I say grabbing my book bag from the floor. I walk outside feeling the breeze that hits my face. It looks like it's going to be a cold day today but it will probably go away. I decide on my getting myself a jacket. I hurry to the bus stop and the first person I spot had to be Tae Hyung.

"Hey there." He says almost giving me a smirk.

"Asshole." Is the only thing that comes out of my mouth. I am shocked that I actually said it out loud.

"What's wrong?" He asks moving closer to me.

"Nothing." I look to the front trying to ignore his presence.

"Don't tell me you are mad about yesterday." He pokes my arm and I ignore him. "Hello." He waves his hands infront of me.

"Caroline." I hear from far. I am relieved when I see Se Na walking toward me.

"Hey." I wave at her.

"How can you not bring a jacket it's so chilly today." She says.

"It'll probably be hot by noon anyway." I smile.

I look to side and Tae Hyung has moved away from my side and I am relieved. I guess he doesn't want people to see me by his side and I am glad. I flash of yesterday walks by my mind and I am disgusted. How can he just think I would Kent him my house. He need to learn school things not sex. 'What if he tries something on me' I push the thought away.

"Let's go inside." Se Na says.

We both walk inside the classroom and once again Tae Hyung is not inside the classroom. I'm going to be in a lot of trouble if I don't make him pass this class.

In what feels like forever it is finally lunch time. I walk outside with Se Na debating wether we were eating in the school cafeteria or a fast food outside school. Se Na agrees on McDonalds and I really don't care so I tag along. We wave for a taxi and on our way we go.

"So when do you start tutoring?" Se Na asks.

"Tonight." I answer with a deep sigh.

"It should be that bad. He is one of the hottest boys in school. Maybe you can mingle." She laughs.

"No way. Just no. That's disgusting Se Na. I can just imagine how many girls he has mingled with." I thought brings me disgust.

"I was just kidding jeez." She says with a smirk.

"Stop it nothing is happening." I can't help but laugh.

We arrive at McDonalds and for out luck Jimin and Tae Hyung are here. I try to be un noticed but of course Tae Hyung doesn't make that possible.



"I'll be there at 5."

"What ever." I say grabbing a straw and sitting down.

The rest of the day goes down as usual. I ignore my professor's yet I understand everything. I am un noticed around school and well I go to the torture that is home.

Today my house is quieter than usual and I am glad.

"FINALLY YOU DECIDE TO SHOW UP." My dad yells and there again I spoke to soon.

"Stop let her be and let's just go." My mom says putting her high heels on.


"YOU ARE THE BIGGER PAIN IN THR BUTT." She bites back while he walks outside.

"Love you." She says closing the door. Yeah sure you 'love me'. The emptiness in the house brings my eyes to tears . I feel a hole in my chest. I hear some whining up stairs and go give the baby some milk. The tears won't stop falling. Once I place the baby on the crib I walk downstairs. I sit on the floor while resting my back on the kitchen counters.

I hate the feeling I have inside. I can't stop crying. The tears just keep falling. Why did I have to be born into this kind of family? Why couldn't I be born in a family like Se Na's. Her whole family gives her support and are always there for her. Sure they fight that's normal but it is never as much as my families. The pain in my chest seems to be growing. I wish I could run away but I can't leave my brother in this family alone.

"Caroline?" I hear a voice.

I raise my head to find Tae Hyung there with a smirk. Of course he is here already.

"Go to the table, I'll be there in a second." I say before to standing up and removing the tears on my cheeks. I rinse my face with water from the sink and walk towards him.

"I see you actually brought books." I say.

"I see your crying over a boy." He says.

"You wish." I say. I open the book on the chapter we are on and tell him to show me how 'smart' he is. When he starts doing the exercise he actually does it. I am so amazed.

"How are you failing?" I ask.

"Because it's the only way my reputation will stay."

"That's so stupid." I reply trying to make an effort to smile.

"Why were you crying." He says and my heart hurts once again. I can see how my view gets all blurred up and I look away.

"You seem so tuff." He says.

"You can go now and fine I will lend you my house so you bring girls. As long as you promise me to pass that test." I say changing the subject.


"Yes... Maybe that way the house will feel less lonely." I say under my breath.

"Why are you lonely?. He ask. Once that question is finished my eyes go blurry again and my tears start to fall.

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