Chapter 7: Witch!

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Two weeks. Two amazing weeks with him. Soul Eater Evans. Tonight we were having a celebration party at his house as a congratulations to BlackStar and Tsubaki for collecting their first soul and a welcome home party for Soul. For once I decided to ditch my hoodie and wear a dark grey crop top and some jean shorts. I pulled my hair into its usual bun, tying it off with my signature ribbon and letting a few thin strands hang down and frame my face. Not to fancy or casual. I looked myself over in the mirror before leaving to Soul's place with Shizen.
We were there for a good while and ate some of Maka's food. To be honest it wasn't terrible. BlackStar thought otherwise.
"Well it may not've been tasty, but it sure was filling." BlackStar says patting his belly.
"Hey, I've got an idea. Next time you do the cooking." Maka snaps. "Don't listen to him, Maka. It was delicious." Tsubaki says to excuse her partner. "Yummy! Yum!" Patty says. "Yeah, thank you for the snacks." Liz says.
"Yeah, it was pretty good," I said to be nice. Shortly after, I feel added weight on my shoulders. I look over to see that Soul had draped his arm over my shoulders and behind my neck. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I rested my head on his shoulder and shortly after I heard soft snores coming from Soul. I smile and drifted off myself. He and I were then woken up by the laughter of everyone else. We looked at each other and shrugged.
"You guys have a nice place here. It's so tidy. You must make a point of keeping it clean." I hear Kid say.
"It helps that Maka yells at me whenever I make a mess." Soul replied. "Oh, you should see our house. It's like a spotless prison living with Clean Freak over there." I said with a laugh and pointing to Shizen.
"Is it just you two living here then?" She asks changing the subject. I scoff slightly before looking over at Soul and start playing with his spiky hair.
"Yoo-hoo! Is everyone having a good time?" I hear a voice say. I turn to see a tall girl with purple hair standing there with nothing on but a towel. "Which one of you little boys wants to come and take a bath with me? The water is nice and warm." She moves her hands up to her head causing the towel to drop to the ground. I then see Soul's nose erupt with blood as he fell backwards onto the table.
"Really Sharky?! A nosebleed?" I asked him quite angered at his reaction. I smacked him upside his head and shook my head.
"Is it always like this over here?" Kid asks. "Oh yeah... Anybody want to take the sexy kitty home? She's free." I groan and smack him again as he called the woman "sexy".
About an hour later, we had finished cleaning up the dinner plates and were sitting on the couches talking. Soul once again had his arm around me, after he apologized of course. "Witch!" Maka shouts. "You felt it too?" Shizen asked. Maka nodded and they both went towards the door. "Two witches... What are they doing in Death City? Sorry guys, we'll be right back." Maka said running out the door with Shizen following behind. "Hey guys wait!" I call after her. I stood up and pulled Soul up with me.
"Come on! We need to hurry. What if our partners get hurt?" I asked running to his door. He ran behind me and we took many twists and turns until we ended up in an alley with Dr. Stein, Maka, Dr. Medusa and Shizen who was leaning in her knees panting.
"Hey guys!" Liz yelled catching up to us all. "Sorry, we would have all been here, but BlackStar passed out from all that food he ate, and Tsubaki stayed with him."
"I wonder if one of them could have been the witch who was there when Soul was injured." Maka says. "That is a possibility," Dr. Medusa replied.
"No I don't think it's the same one." Stein says. "For one thing that witch had the Demon Sword and it's meister with her." I looked at my feet as he said this. That damn meister. I looked at my right hand and saw the two scars scratched across my knuckles that I had gotten from my fight with him. 'Because of him I almost lost Soul...'
"And even if she had been here, I doubt we would have sensed her at all. I have a feeling that this one is too cunning to release her Protect in the middle of Death City without reason. One thing we do know is that this witch has an interest in weapons and meisters so I wouldn't be surprised if she was in the area, observing the students here. But I have no doubt she would want to do it quietly. Yes, I suppose it's even possible that she has managed to infiltrate the academy itself. But that would be tricky even for a powerful witch. Whatever the case, it's a relief that you weren't hurt by these witches, Dr. Medusa. We would be in some serous trouble if anything happened to our only school nurse."
I clenched my fist. 'I swear if that meister or its witch comes anywhere near us one will stop me from getting my revenge...'
After we cleared up the whole witch thing, the rest of us, minus Kid, Liz, Patty, and Shizen, went back to my place to watch a movie.
Soul's POV
'It's kinda late. I kinda want everyone to leave so it'll just be me and Maya.' I looked down at her to find her head resting on my shoulder and her eyes focused on the movie. Not disturbing her position, I gently put my arm around her and kissed her temple. She looked up at me and smiled. I could tell she was tired because when she rested her head on my chest, she yawned.
"We're going home. Thanks for having us over Maya," Tsubaki said.
"Oh, you're welcome." She responded.
"Yeah, Soul we'd better go to. It's pretty late." Maka said. Before I could respond, Maya made a small noise and clenched her fist on the fabric of my jacket.
"But, Shizen's not here as it gets pretty lonely..." She said quietly.
"I-I'm going to stay here tonight, Maka." I said looking up at her. "Alright. See you tomorrow." And with that they left.
Maya POV
'Good they're gone. Now it's just me and him,' i thought. I put my head on his shoulder gently and sighed. Not too much later, I looked up at him. "Hey Soul?" I asked quietly. "Hmm," he said looking down at me.
"I know it hasn't been that long, but I think...I think I love you.."
There was silence for a while.
"You know Maya, I was just thinking the same thing. But you know, I don't think I do...I know I do." He said finally. "Really?" "Really. Want me to prove it?" He asked. I smiled. 'I think I know what he means,'
"If you want to," he grinned and leaned his head down; I met him halfway and our lips met in a long, soft kiss. We only stopped when there was a knock at the door. We pulled away and smiled.
"I'll uh.. Be right back." I said before getting up from his warm arms and answering the door. Patty stood there with a big smile on her face holding a piece of paper.
"Patty?" I asked.
"Hiya! Kid sent me with a note! Him and Shizen are having a sleepover!!" She responded holding the note out to me. 'A sleepover?'
"Oh okay. Thanks," I said taking the note. "See ya later Patty,"
"Bye!" I closed the door and opened the note.
'Dear Maya,
I'm not sure if you knew, but Shizen was acting a bit strange and passed out so I took her to my house. She will stay here overnight so I can make sure she's okay, since your house is quite far. I'll bring her back over in the morning.
Sincerely, Death the Kid
Ps. You usually have your hair in a bun, and quite frankly, it's horribly asymmetrical. You really need to fix it.'
I groaned at the last bit. "I hate him.." I said ripping the paper and letting it fall to the ground.
"What's wrong?" I heard Soul ask. I turned around to face him and walked back over to him.
"Stupid symmetry freak. Calling me out for being asymmetrical. I mean, has he seen his hair?" I ranted slightly. Soul chuckled at this, averting my focus back to him.
"Hey, come back here. I missed you." He said and I laughed slightly.
"I was only up for a minute." I said sitting down.
"Yeah, well it was too long," he said pulling me close and planting his lips on mine. This time it wasn't as gentle, but amazing all the same. We stayed in our lip lock until air cursed up and we had to separate. Soul then kissed my ear gently before resting his chin on my head. I put my head on his chest and fell easily into a dream filled sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2016 ⏰

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