Moo Snuckle X Reader-Arranged Marriage pt. 1

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[Brock's POV]

Tomorrow. Tomorrow I would be meeting and marrying my new wife. Since birth I have been set up with (Y/N) and because we lived in different countries we have not been able to meet until today, our wedding day. I am the heir to the American throne. My bride is the heir to the English throne. We are marrying to strengthen our ties together and unite the two countries. After World War III our countries split apart a bit. We wish to get back on good terms, hence the marriage.

I have no idea what she is like and vice versa. I just want a normal life at this point and the whole wedding will set me further back from that. I try to connect with other normal people, that's why I have a secret YouTube channel. My gaming is my only outlet to the outside world. Luckily, my parents understand and got me a gaming room with average furniture and got me some normal clothes so that it didn't look like I was royalty. I wasn't seen much with my family so very few knew who I was and once there was a comment I simply replied that I just looked like him.

I told my subs that I was going on vacation to Hawaii for the week of my wedding so that they wouldn't get worried or upset as I was getting ready for my wedding. (Y/N) and her family will be coming to the U.S. for the wedding which will be held in our house. The white castle.

I was so busy these days my YouTube friends were confused as to why I could barely record with them. I was booked from dawn to dusk with questions about decorations to tuxedo fittings and all of that kind of stuff. I still don't know who's going to be my best men. I kinda wanna get my YouTube friends because their my only real friends but I don't think I want to reveal myself to them yet. I guess I need to make a decision now since the wedding is tomorrow.

I take a deep breath and dial Evan. "Hey wassup dude?" "Well I have something big to tell you so you might sit down." I said with a chuckle. " what's up?" "Well, two things I guess, one, I'm getting married and two, I'm the prince of America, Brock Lance Smith the Fourth." He burst out laughing thinking I was joking but soon realized I was not laughing with him and that it wasn't fake. "Oh, shit. No wonder why everyone thinks you look like him. You are him! Don't worry I'll keep you under wraps bro." "Thanks man. You've just been a great friend and, well, I need a best man." "Seriously?! I'd be honored Moo! I mean you're highness. I mean Brock. Okay, what should I call you?" "Call me whatever I don't care just not your highness." "Okay, cool. So when's the wedding? Like next month or...?" "It's tomorrow." "Uh, I mean, I guess I can come lemme go look up plane tickets and call my boss." "No need. My family has already arranged travel and will call your work here soon. One of the perks of being royalty is that you can ship anyone anywhere in a matter of a few hours." There was silence for a few moments as Evan was processing this. "Well, guess I better get packing! So when does the plane leave? Bachelor party? Will you have one? Do I need to organize that? So much stuff. Oh my gosh do I need a tux?! I haven't worn one since like senior prom in high school! Do I.." "Evan. Chill. Your plane leaves in two hours you have time to pack you might be gone for like two weeks tho. And I've got the bachelor party set for tonight if your up for it!" "Yeah, bro! Let's do it!! Okay gonna go pack now. See ya in like a couple hours!" He hung up and I sighed. He seemed pretty cool about it. I'm happy with my decision of choosing Evan.

~Time Skip to Evan's Arrival~

My family and advisors would not let me 'waste time' by picking Evan up at the airport so we sent a driver. I felt bad but he didn't seem to care. The driver called saying he was about 5 minutes away so I started heading to the front door to wait for Evan. I'm excited to finally be able to share everything with a real friend.

I suddenly heard a familiar voice from down stairs. "Hey Brock! Where you at?!" As my butler told him to quiet down I ran down the stairs yelling back. "Be right there!" I could practically feel my butlers eye roll as I ran down the stairs. I ran up to Evan and gave him a hug, I was so glad to see him. This is going to be great.


There will be probably three parts to this and I'm kinda excited. They might come kinda soon too because I have finals this week then I'm out of school. K. Cool.

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