Nursery rymes

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Stein Pov
I just booked a last minute flight to (y/c), and leave tonight. I looked at the piece of paper Lord Death handed to me. What on earth is a kishen doing in (y/c) anyway?

(Y/n) Pov
I sat in my bed pretending to sleep hoping that she would pass on by not bothering to wake me up. I heard the door open and shut. "(Y/n)! Wake up!!" I didn't move, and just focused on my acting. "(Y/n). I know you are awake!!" I reluctantly sat up, and looked at the door. "Come!" The headmistress said. "It's time for breakfast." She shut the door, and hurried down the stairs. I trudged out of bed with a groan, and went to my wardrobe. I opened it, and saw nothing but grey. Just like the rest of this place. I put on my grey uniform, and made my way through the boring house to the dining hall. When I got there all the other kids were sitting quietly waiting for breakfast to commence. I took my seat, and waited with them. We all sat in a perfect row, with the same outfit, and the same expression. I finally decided to speak up. "So... How did everyone sleep??" I asked in my most pleasant and upbeat voice. Everyone just glanced at me for a second, but went back to their vacant gazes. I slouched back in my chair. We sat in silence until the head mistress walked in. "Good morning girls." "Good morning head mistress" the other girls said in perfect unison. I was the only one that was off slightly, because I was mumbling from my slouched position. The head mistress raised a bell, and rung it 3 times. I hate that bell. "Breakfast is served." One by one maids came in with trays with lids on the top of them, so we can't see what's inside. However, I knew what was inside. Everyone did. It was bland oatmeal. Everyday for the past 8 years. After breakfast we were excused to head to the library for the next part of the day. There was a routine in this house. We followed it every single day. Living here isn't awful, but it is bleak. When we made it to the library everyone separated into different parts of it. Some headed for the history section, some to math, and other to the autobiography section. I on the other hand headed to the very back of the library where I stashed some books from my late night outings. There were cooking books, fiction, and my favorite book of all was my Nursery Rhymes book. I pulled it out and began to read:

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating of curds and whey.
There came a great spider
That sat down beside her
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

I giggled to myself, and stared at the picture to the left of the story. It was so vibrant and full of color. In fact my book is probably the most colorful thing in this mansion. I turned the page, but before I could start reading I heard a cough. I frantically turned my head to see the head mistress staring down at me with a disapproving gaze. I slowly closed my book, and held it to my chest. I looked back up at her. She tilted her head signaling for me to follow along. I stood up, still hugging my beloved book. I followed a few paces behind as we left the library, and headed across the house to her study. When we got there, the head mistress held the door for me as I went in. I went and sat down at the chair in front of her big black desk as she quietly shut the door. She passed by me as she made her way to her chair and sat down. She sighed and began to speak in her monotone voice. "Miss (Y/n). What is that in your hands?" "A b-book" "Miss (Y/n). You know how I feel about those kinds of books." "But it's so pret..." "I don't want to hear your excuses!" I whimpered. She calmed down. "I'm sorry for raising my voice. It was unladylike." I just nodded. "Anyway, that isn't why I called you in here." I looked at her shocked. "I called you here, because I needed to remind you of your meeting tomorrow with Dr. Jordan." I jumped out of my seat frantic. "Head Mistress I don't want to talk to him anymore. Please there's nothing wrong I'm fine!" "No you are not. Your attacks have become more and more frequent. Just last week you stabbed Miss Jayden in the leg with your salad fork at dinner." "That was her own fault!" I tried to explain. "I always ask her how her day is, and she always gives me the same answer 'Fine.' Then I just -" She snapped again. "Miss (Y/n) have I not given you everything. A home, a family, food on the table, a nice bed to sleep in, clothes, etc. I have been nothing, but kind and merciful to you, and your sisters, and you purposely harm one of your sisters. This proves to me that you need Dr. Jordan." "I'm not crazy." "Then stop acting like it." She took my book from me, and sent me out. I slowly went out of the room to see Jayden. When she saw me she looked frightened. "Wait please don't leave!" I called out to her. Her look softened as I went up to her. "I want to show you something!" She nodded hesitantly, but followed. I led her into the back yard. "What were you doing out of the library?" I asked. "I was going out here to pick flowers for the headmistress. Why?" I stopped and turned around. "Well because ... that gives me an alibi."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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