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*enjoy guys*^-^

Juvia's POV

It's been already 6 months after...
And I'm here in the hospital consulting to the doctor if what pain I feel..

"Uhm...MRS. Fullbuster you're already 3 months pregnant.^-^"


Wait what I-I'm p-pregnant.....



I nodded at the doctor...she gave me all the requirements on staying healthy and not to be stressed out while I'm pregnant and it is also for the sake of the baby....

But....will I tell him about this....

I feel so sad for my baby....

"Baby *sob* I'm so very happy...because....you're here inside me....but I don't know if you're daddy will accept you..*sob*"I said while holding my tummy...

After a couple of hours I got home...
As I walk inside the house I saw him...with another girl again...kissing on the table..

After so many months I can't even let him go...but I guess he doesn't even care about me....I guess I am ready to let him go...

I'm sorry baby but...I have to do this okay...

"Baby...who's that girl!?"the girl he is kissing with asked...

Before gray could speak...I already did

"Hi!^-^ my name is juvia fullbuster...don't worry I'm just his sister that's all...so what's you're name..."I smile even though it's just fake...I look to see the girl smiling widely while gray is a bit shock....

"Really...I'm so sorry I thought you're the slut bitch that my baby married hehe...my name is Railen Crainiegh Smith...^-^"she said smiling

"Okay then uhm I think I will just leave you around I just need to rest..."I said

"Why?!? Are you okay Juvia-chan?!?"she said worrying Tss if I know she's just acting

"Ah yes I'm okay it's just that I just came from the hospital to know what if I'm feeling well."I smile at her

"So what did the doctor said??"she asked

"Well it's for me to know and for you to find out...so goodbye"while I said I looked at him but I looked away and just go upstairs to our bedroom...and just laid down..

"Baby I think I need some space...I'm sorry baby but mommy's going to do something....okay*sob*"I said holding my tummy....

Gray's POV

I was shocked when she said that...
I don't know what I've got this feeling that she has a secret that she is hiding for me.....

"You know what baby I'm guessing that you're sister like me ^-^"Railen said. ....ugh

"She's not my sister Railen"I said coldly to her

"WHAT! THEN WHO IS SHE?!?!??!"she shouted

"Okay....let's end this you may get out now on my house and forget about us cuz you're time is already over! Were done....."I said

"What...you said you like me?!?"she said tearing eyed apart

"Tss I just like you.........to be my toy for just 30 minutes...okay...so get out or I will call the police to fetch you up!"I said in an angry tone making her get out of my house.. ..Tss...women ..

I go upstairs to talk to her...

When I was already in our bedroom I saw her holding her tummy...

She was shocked when she sees me..

Hmmm.....something is so very fishy....and why is she holding her tummy...???

Ugh...what am I saying I don't even care for this effin slut bitch...psh

"Why did you go to the hospital?"I ask I wanted to know why did she go there .

"You don't need to know about and infact it's just for me to know and I don't want ANYONE will know ABOUT IT""she said...

What the seriously...
I'm her husband...and I must know what is she doing or how is she feeling if she's sick or whatsoever.....

"What the fuck bitch!"I said

"Don't worry about me and beside you said from the past that "Rule no.3-don't you dare care for me and I will never care for you cuz you're just my wife okay." Am I right.."she said exactly the right words...

But...ugh I really hate this girl...psh...


A/N:hi guys I hope this CHAPTER is not so boring please bare with me don't forget to vote and comment


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