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Youncé all on his mouth like liquor.

"She hung up!"
Paul says angry putting down his phone.
I let out an exasperated sigh as I sit down.

"What the heck is going on with her?"
Kyle asks anxiously. I run my hand through my hair.
"I don't know. She's been acting weird.
Like, she's constantly weighing herself, she won't eat that much at all, and I think she's trying to compare herself to Kessica"
I shake my head at what I'm saying.

She told me that everything's fine.
But I know something's wrong.

I've even talked to Joey and Daniel about it. I hope I'm not thinking what I think I'm thinking... If that makes sense...

"Kessica? Why Kessica?"
Kyle asks confused.

"Just stop, Kyle"
Paul says annoyedly.
Kyle looks at me and I nod in agreement with Paul.

"What are you even talking about?" Kyle asks. I scoff and slightly shake my head.

"Seriously?" Paul questions looking at him.

My gosh. Kyle doesn't even know.
Maybe I shouldn't tell him... It wouldn't be fair to Norabella...

But then again I should... For her own good.

"Kyle please tell me you know what Norabella thinks of you?"
Paul asks sitting up from his laying position and facing Kyle.

"I honestly I have no idea."
He says looking back from Paul to me.

"She likes you, you stupid idiot!" I shout at him.

It was sorta obvious. He should've caught on.

"Well no frick. We're bestfriends!"
He shoots back. Me and Paul let out non humorous laughs.

"Dude! Are you that stupid!? She like loves you! Gosh dang!" Paul yells at him. Kyles eyes widen and he puts his hand over his mouth. His face turns into a guilty expression.

He mumbles.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and look at the caller ID.

"Joseph gracefeffincia📷"
I quickly answer and put it on speaker.

"What's happened? Have you found her yet?"
I ask as we all move closer to the phone.

"No. Don't stop trying to text her. Keep texting her. I don't know what she's doing but I don't have a good feeling. Where are some places she would go?"
Joey asks in a rush tone.

Please. Please find her.

Sorry this is short. I literally just wrote this because apparently, I didn't even right in this chapter. Idk how that happened because all the chapters after this are written and this one had nothing in it lol.

I'll post the next chapter now. If u want.

Adopted By Janiel {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now