F o u r t e e n

880 38 16


I'm slowly beginning to remember things.

Like, my past and everything.

Sadly, I remember my dad. Screw him. He sucks.
And my mom... I feel like I've base to grieve her all over again.

The memories are coming quite slow, but they're coming.

I remembered Linda yesterday. That's good.
And Larry, and Dylan.

"Hey, Piper?"
I ask as we eat breakfast in our room.

"Yes?" She replies. I think really hard.
I can remember. I can remember.

"Oh my gosh!"
I shout out excitedly. She flinches.

"What what!?"
She responds worriedly.

I stand up and squeal.
"I remember something! I remember what your were wearing on the day we met!"
I say excitedly. She squeals to and I settle down.

I've basically remembered Harvey, Linda, Larry, and Dylan.

Still vague memories, but I can't really describe trying to remember.

It's like trying to remember a dream you had a week ago. Or that morning.

It's just hard. But, the doctors said that it should all come back soon. Hopefully.

Someone knocks on our door.
I stand up and jog over to it, opening it to see Joey.

"Hi, so we needa leave for your doctors appointment in a few minutes, you ready?"
He asks with his hand still on the knob.

"Can't we just skip this one?"
I plead. I hate hospitals.

"We gotta go!"
He says as he closed the door.

"Can't we just skip one-"

"Gotta go!"
He shouts. I roll my eyes and walk back to the bean bag chairs in our room.

I grab my plate and fork and head out the door to the kitchen.

I put the food I didn't eat in the trash, and the plate and fork in the dishwasher.

I go out to the living room, and take out my phone.

'3 new texts from 'PollyPocket'

Who's that?

Think think think.

Oh it's Paul. I always forget that.

'Heyyyy. Kyle is with Kessica today, so do u and Piper wanna hang out?'
I think for a second.

Who's Kessica... Who's Kessica...

Think think think.

I can't remember.

'I'm heading for a doctors appointment, but Piper is free I think. I can join y'all after I can home?'
I click send and get a reply a few seconds later.

'Sounds good.'

I turn off my phone when I hear someone come in.

"You ready to go?" Joey asks me, picking up his keys.

"Uh-huh" I say as I stand up and walk out the door.

I open the car door and slide in and wait a few seconds for Joey.


Something about being in this car, with Joey driving is bringing me back a memory.
A big one to...

Adopted By Janiel {Book 3}Where stories live. Discover now