Chapter#1 Au Revoir Pakistan

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Sometimes i think life is unfair for us..Like some of us are facing problems while they don't deserve the problems.. and others who has all the luxuries in life sometimes don't deserves in the position.. what is the fault of that person who is facing problems, while what did the other do so they have all things everyone want.. But there is a power who made us, who made this whole universe.. who know which one needs what..Allah. Yep.. He knows how to make someone strong by giving them problems. The thing is that He never leave us alone.. when we have nothing we still have Him.. and who have Him, has everything.

I'm really strong although.. but due to all the love and care given by my mum and dad.. I always get really emotional sometimes.. Keyword is sometimes.. Okay most of the times.. i can't hear the harsh words.. because it let my eyes to pour tears... But After my mum's death i had to control myself and had to strong not for only myself but my Dad.

So lets start with the begining.. Ready? Ready.

2 week ago:

After coming for my college(Zenith is 18 so in Pakistan she would be in college like last year of high school), i took shower and ate my food which mum made for me.. She had her appointment with her doctor.. she had debaties.. and dad was asusal at work..

Well, my home is not really big but good enough for us three.. yeah i'm the only child.. which is the blessing but also a curse too.. because i always want a sister.. and not only sister but a twin sister..but no luck..still i always think that i would find my twin by heart one day..."Hope".

My life was pretty boring..Eat,study,socializing(which only mean going out with my two besties or with family) and sleep.. I love to sleep.. and sleep alot. sometimes mum used to scold me for this habit.. but i don't know..i can't help it.

After eating i went to my room and lay down on bed for a long nap...

i opened my eyes again.. after a nap and look toward the clock which show 5:45pm. Oh flowers.. I over slept.. where is mum? the first question which come in my mind was this. because she usually wake me up for Asar prayers.

After praying my Asar prayers.. i made my way to the TV launch..
Still no sign of mum.. I thought to call my mum.. As the clumpsy I'm.. i didn't know where my mobile was..yeah i'm that kinda teenager who will rather be alone in the forest with book in her hand.. than to have cellphone. Don't judge.. when i found my cellphone.. landline of my home started ringing..
Asalam U Alaikum.
Who is this?
Is this amir qureshi's house.
Yeah it is
Well we have a bad news i'm talking from the hospital his wife is currently in hospital in OT.

Tears started falling from my eyes.. i wanted to scream but i have to find out where is my mom..
Ww-what? i choked.

The person gave me the address of the hospital and with controlling myself from shaking..i called my dad and after that everything is blurred...

How i reached the hospital.. how did i reacted while seeing my mum last time.. i felt numb.. like i don't have emotions.. because the one who used to care for me, long gone..

I didn't clearly remember my mum's funeral..but i do remember her face while she had her eyes closed.. it felt like she was sleeping.. and i had to wake her up.. i tried many times.. but she didn't answer. She was peaceful..
As the days passed by.. i refused to eat and sleep.. i was like the homeless person who just felt he/she don't have a roof over their head.. and they are left for the mercy of others.

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