Things Not To Do While Driving

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Andy POV

Jake nudges my with his elbow and gives me a small smile of which I return. We've just gotten on the flight and I missed her holding in my hand. I sound like such a kid,  holding hands. But it's true. The last few flights I've been on Iris has always been there, holding my hand. I look over across the ailse and see Ash in his skeleton hoodie that zips over his face in a mask. It is pretty cool. Of course besides the fact that it probably gives small children nightmares. Certainly scared the shit out of CC one time. I lean my head back and wrap my fingers around my thumb to try and replace Iris's hand. It doesn't work, not to my surprise. My mind wanders back to last Warped tour.

I remember Iris running to me, holding a t-shirt and thrusting it into my hands saying, "A little girl just gave me that for you and she's going to meet her idol right now!" So of course I followed Iris to behind BVB's merch stall where a girl, around the age of nine sat. Seeing me she immediately squealed and I had hugged her, took pictures, signed a wristband and yet more hugs. I noticed that the entire time, Iris was on looking, thrilled that the girl was happy. And I thought that was amazing. I'm sucked back into reality with the sound of the pilot informing us that we're just about to land. 

"You looked out of here, dude," Jake tells me.

I nod and lift my head, "I felt it, man." 

"Oh my shit! Ash you ass!" I hear CC shout, alarming everyone on the plane. As quickly settles back down in his seat and although I can't see his face I know he's smirking at successfully scaring CC again. I have to surpress a laugh. Travelling with these guys is not safe. 

Iris POV

Blaring BVB in the van on the way home I find myself singing along in my terrible voice and smacking the wheel to the beat. Then I start to head bang, my hair flying everywhere. I incress the tempo and do this weird shoulder movement and everything. Then I hear a car skidding and honking it's horn. I halt to a stop and look out the window to see the destruction I have just caused. 

"I am so sorry!" I get out and look at the collision with the other car. My eyes pop out of their sockets when I see Seth get out of the car.

"It's okay... Could have happened to anyone," he assures me. 

"Not everyone would be dancing..."

"Is that what you call it?" 

I give him a funny look, "Is there any damage?"

He looks dismissively, "I stopped before you hit."

I let out a sigh of relief and slump agains the van. I wave a hand at him, "Sorry again."

"You apologise too much..." he bites his lip and looks thoughtful for a moment, "What's your name?"

"Iris. You know me from Andy..."

"Ah yes! How is he?"

"Okay, just came back from saying goodbye to him at the airport..." I explain. 

He nods, "Where abouts is he travelling?"

"All over, his band is on tour." 

"Cool, are they like a support group or something?" he enquires. 

"Nope, they're headlining," I say rather proud. He gives me an impressed sort of look, "Listen, I almost destroyed your car dude, can I get you a coffee or something? Y'know to get me off the hook." 

He laughs and nods, "That would be great." 

Sorry for the delay! So busy D: D: 

As usual, let me know what you think and thank you for reading! (:

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