Chapter 1: Her Perfume

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Her awe-inspiring footsteps were heard throughout a distance of no more than 200m. For someone with a good hearing these unpleasant sounds signified the coming of someone who wasn't supposed to be there. Her sweet breathtaking smell was felt behind the rotten wooden door. She was there. Now only a slim layer called "the wall" separated that women from the person whose name unknown, but for the gap of his name a nickname was created "The Executor". That's what they called him. A cruel and ruthless man, impudent and ungreateful being. His cold glance could freeze the whole saloon, had you looked in his eyes once and you could've seen "HELL".

Rumors. That is all they were, but inside a lie there is always the truth.


-"Owner, two of the same. I pay."-said the man sitting on a wooden chair suiting to a rundown cabaret, but unexpectedly popular for the low stratum of that area: "What is a fine young lady such as yourself looking for in this slum full of hooligans?" -he said with an ironic smirk on his face.
The women sitting beside him was dressed with jet black clothes just like The Spring-Heeled Jack in the English folklore and it felt like she was trying to impersonate death itself: "I was looking for you!"-she answered in a cold tone.
Her being there meant trouble and he knew that, but didn't back down, instead he planned on taking her head-on, but all that feeling disappeared when those tiny little, but terrifyingly scary words escaped her beautiful noble mouth: "I want you to find this girl." -she said showing him a pocket black and white photography.

He wasn't up to accepting it but her reward ringed in his ears like a bicycles annoying bell. He took the photo and stared at it for a while than he brought it close to his face and just once he smelled at it just like a hungry dog hunting its prey. A light fragrance was felt through his nostril. He than put it inside his jacket pocket and with a victorious "jackpot-like" face answered: "I shall take this request upon myself, but do not forget for i am more dangerous tham one can imagine. I may befoul you, but you still want to continue with your request? Do not misunderstand me, i do not care for your wellbeing, but i do not want to forge a contract with someone who will eventually regret defiling his life. This side is far too dangerous for you My lady. You can quit now, but if you continue you can not get back anymore." -he warned her with an intriguing face that would send shivers down anyones spine but hers. She did not falter for she had already decided, for she was already the devil in disguise.

Thank you for reading!! I'm new here and i might have made somme small mistakes so please be nice. 😆😆😆😆
Also comment and tell me your thoughts. I'm really curious about your opinions!

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