- Chapter 4 -

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CHAPTER 4: Get a nosebleed

"You look like one of those people in anime who get a nosebleed when they see someone hot."

Welcome to the first official Get Rich Quick meeting!" Charlie said with a grin on her face as she banged down her fist like a gavel.

She was met with unenthusiastic silence. After a pregnant pause, she cleared her throat and repeated herself once more.

"I said, Welcome to the first official Get Rich Quick meeting." she said much louder this time, gritting her teeth together.

Half-hearted muttering greeted the annoyed girl. She wasn't sure why the gang looked so dead, waking up early wasn't that bad.

Charlie was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the small room. Joy was reading a Wattpad book, perched on a cushion. Lucy was munching on a Kit Kat as she gave Charlie a bored mumble. Rowan appeared to be asleep.

"You know what we should do?" Rowan said, not asleep after all. She got up from the ground slowly, rubbing her eyes. Another night of yelling had granted her terrific bag underneath her eyes." We should make a list of rules, you know for the plan."

Charlie had her mischievous grin on.

The Official Important Special Get Rich Quick Rules.

OISGRQR for short :)

1) Once a sister always a sister, traitors get slaughtered. Stay true to the sisterhood.

2) Never take yo sisters man. Stay in your yo lane, girl.

3) Any money obtained through the plan is to be shared with sisters, for the benefit of the sisterhood.

4) Report back any progress made with your selected victim.

5) Don't ever by any means fall in love with one of the boys. This will ruin everything we have been working for. We're gonna kill them remember?

Rowan gulped as Charlie wrote the rules down in the old notebook. For some reason, she had a feeling the last one would be particularly hard to abide by.

"Damn we're good." Charlie said, feeling satisfied with the slowly filling notebook. She had been rather bored the past few days and filled with a sudden zeal.

Joy lifted her head to look at the excited girl, a skeptical look gracing her features. "If this boy informs the police that 4 crazy girls are stalking, I will certainly deny knowing you people."

Charlie's jaw dropped, she let a dramatic scoff leave her lips.

"Well, I've never.." She shook her head and stood, wiping down her jeans. "Oh no missy, if you're in it from the start, you're in it till the end."

Lucy munched down on the remainders of the Kit Kat licking the chocolate from her fingers. She was only half listening to the conflict.

"Ooh ooh." Rowan squealed, eyes widened. "You know what we should do, we should take an oath of allegience." She had read it in a book once. The members of the secret society had pledged their allegiance to the cause before working to save the world of the disastrous dystopian future they had forseen.

Lucy groaned at the snippet of conversation she had heard and Joy rolled her eyes. Charlie pointed at Rowan, snapping her fingers. "You, my dear, are on a roll."

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