- Chapter 3 -

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CHAPTER 3: Get another victim

"It is rather pointless to worry about others opinions of you."

"Lady, running down to the riptide." Charlie sang loudly, her head lolling lazily to the side of the pillow it lay on.

The iridescent rays of sunlight washed over her face, dust motes floating aimlessly in the air. A yawn escaped the girls lips and joined them.

Lucy was currently pondering over whether Summer Sky or Midnight Blue was the best colour to paint Joy's nails. Summer Sky was cute and pastels were always a good choice, in her opinion. But Midnight Blue was so Joy, it was all dark, like her soul.

Joy, the cause of Lucy's distress sat reading a copy of Little Women, the younger girl at her feet struggling to make a decision. She had read it a million times but never seemed to grow tired of the classic.

Charlie were belting out a rather impressive version of Riptide. They all adored the song and singing it at random intervals had become a habit of theirs. The song was a bop.

Rowan was standing at an easel, quietly humming along with Charlie as she brushed the canvas.

Where is it that the gang could struggle over nail polish colours, read, paint and sing to their heart's desire you ask? Only their secret lair of course.

Their lair-an old treehouse in Joy's back garden- was a marvelous place. It had been declared their lair when they were 13 and had been used ever since. It was on top of a tall tree, was a 5 minute walk from their school and gave a magnificent view of dogboy's house so they could spy without being seen.

"Have you ever wondered what we would look like when we're older?" Charlie asked, finished her ballad.

Lucy hummed as she painted Joy's nails, deciding Midnight Blue was the better option. " Joy'll probably be a skyscraper." She mumbled with a chuckle.

Joy only pushed back her glasses, ignoring the comment. She was yet to meet someone extremely taller than her. It was no secret that Joy was a tall girl, she towered over almost everyone.

Charlie chuckled, she couldn't imagine herself in 10 years, she really couldn't. Absentmindedly she twirled her curly hair, everyone had completely freaked out when Charlie emerged from the bathroom one day with curls instead of her usually straightened hair. She didn't really care though, it was her hair after all.

Rowan frowned. She was painting watercolour portraits as an art assignments and it was proving difficult. Why did the second eye never turn out as good as the first?

She sighed down at Joy's. Painted Joy was focused on a book, just like real Joy always was. Her hair ran down her tall frame, a dark curly chesnut river reaching her waist. It was her best feature most definitely.

Rowan had used the same chestnut for her eyes, hiding behind thick black frames. But she couldn't get her skin colour right. Joy's skin was a chocolate bar brown, the kind of brown that one never got tired of looking at. If people had colour palettes, Rowan thought, Joy would be chocolate browns and chestnuts.

She sighed and set the painting down.

"Damn I wish I had your hair." Charlie said, voicing Rowan's thoughts. She reached out and twirled a strand of the girl's hair on her finger.

Lucy sighed as if she could relate. But she really couldn't. Lucy was pretty, probably the prettiest out of them all. Constantly getting pick up lines and cat-calls that she ignored.

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