Chapter 1

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Here it is :) the first chapter :) i really hope you guys like it :) 

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Chapter 1

It's been 8 years already and things have changed a little. My name is Anika Saunders and I am 15 years old. I've been living with my aunt for about 7 to 8 years and she's been great to me. My twin and I have been really close now and we know each other like the back of our hands.

Right now I’m just sitting in my bedroom, unpacking all of the clothes we bought today. I start school tomorrow. I went to my radio and turned the music up and started singing when my song, Waving Flag came on. I was almost done packing when I heard a soft knock on my door. I turned my music down and opened the door.

‘’Can I come in?’’ my aunt asked. ‘’Yeah sure was just in the middle of putting my stuff away since school starts tomorrow.’’ I told her while getting back to sorting out my clothes. She looked at me like she wanted to tell me something but without knowing where to start.

‘’Is something wrong aunty?’’ I asked her. ‘’ Your mom gave me a letter a while back... and I’m supposed to give it to you on your 16th birthday. That won’t be until next week. I just thought you could read it before then.’’ she gave me a letter and a book. Then she walked out and left me alone shocked.

I sat on my bed and looked at the letter wondering why my mom would want me that have it. I decided to open it.

Dear Anika,

If you’re reading this, it means that I am no longer in this world. There are a few things I didn’t get the chance to tell you. The first thing I have to tell you is that you have a twin brother though by now you probably already know about him. I am really sorry that I didn’t tell you but I was hiding from bad people that wanted to use us for bad things. And they were looking for a mother with baby twins. So we had to give away one of you. Your aunt Delphine volunteered to take Sam with her.

The second thing I have to tell you is that we are not exactly human. We are shifters, Dolphin’s shifters to be exact. I know it is a lot to take in baby girl but you have to be strong. Bad people will come after you. The hunters want to use us to get to the other shifters to kill them. We have our first shift when we are 16 years old. And if Delphine gave you the journal it means that you are already 16 or close to be. If you are not 16 years old, please try to find a remote place that no one knows it exist. Then go swim learn the place and on your birthday at some point you will start to have a fever. The moment you start the fever, you have to go to the secret place because the shift won’t be far behind.

I wish I could have been here to see you changed and help you through it. Tell your brother the same instruction.

I love you baby girl <3



I looked at the letter, not really seeing it. My thoughts were everywhere. I knew I loved water and could swim better than anyone but how can I be a shape shifter. It didn’t make sense.

I grabbed the letter and went downstairs. I looked for my aunt and found her in the living room with my twin brother. I looked at them. ‘’Is this a joke? How can we be shape shifter it can’t be.’’ I said but they looked at me and my twin came to hug me. ‘’It’s true sis, we are shape shifters. Just come with me okay? Let’s go for a walk.’’ Then he looked at my aunt and said that we would be back in an hour.

I grabbed my jacket and put my shoes on and followed my brother out of the door. We recently moved here and we were living in the forest close to Uchinskoye VDKH Lake, in Russia. We were deep in the forest and now I guess I know why. ‘’Is this true Sam? Why aren’t you freaked out? I mean we just learned that we were freaking dolphins!!’’ I couldn’t control my anger. I was so mad that my mom was hiding this from me. Yes maybe I was only 7 when she died but she knew how mature I was. ‘’I’ve know for a little while Blue. I couldn’t tell you anything aunty made me promise. I found a similar letter that you got and well yeah I wasn’t supposed to read It.’’ he told me. I smiled when he used my nick name. He gave it to me not long time after I started to live with them because my eye were more like icy blue then the regular blue eyes that people have.

I looked down at my bracelet, and saw the little silver dolphin hanging from it. ‘’Did Jack know?’’ Sam looked at me shocked that I still remembered the police officer that helped me the day my mom died. ‘’Yeah he knew. He was a good friend of Aunty Delphine. That’s why he was always round you when you were growing up. To make sure nothing happened to you.’’ He said. I wondered if he knew about what my father did to me when I was 4 years old. He probably knows I thought. ‘’What are we gonna do Sammy? I mean our birthday is next week...’’ I was calming down finally letting it sink that we were going to be dolphins. When I realized that he stopped walking I looked up. What I saw was beautiful. The sun was setting in the horizon making the lake look orange. It was normally crystal blue but with the sun setting it looked amazing. ‘’I found this lake while walking the other day. I looked it up on a map and it’s big enough and if we stay close to here no one will know that we are here. It’s the only lake I could find that was big enough for us two.’’ I was happy that we had a lake so close to the house. It was only about a 15 minutes’ walk from our house.

‘’It’s beautiful Sammy!’’ was all I could really say. It was just spectacular. I saw him looking for something in his pocket. He pulled out a box. ‘’I know it’s not our birthday yet, but I wanted you to have this for tomorrow.’’ He said while giving me the box.

I opened it and screamed while doing my happy dance. I finally had a cell phone!!! I jumped in his arm. ‘’Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!’’ I was so happy. I’ve been asking for one for about two years now but Delphine kept saying that I was too young. ‘’Glad you like it Blue. My number and Delphine’s number is also programmed into your phone.’’ He said. He looked at the time and said that we should head back because it was late. 

A Dolphin's Adventure(slowly writing it)Where stories live. Discover now