Chapter 3

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Here's another Chapter :) hope you guys like it :) please comment what you think about it :)

Might upload another chapter tonight or maybe tomorrow ima see :)

Shaylee :)


Chapter 3

I looked down at the map trying to figure out where my classes were; once I figured it out I grabbed my bag and started walking to the class. I walked in the class and thankfully there wasn’t anyone yet. I walked to the back of the class and sat down in the corner. The bell rang and people started coming in.

‘’Hello class, my name is Mr. Barkov.’’ He said while looking at the class. ‘’Today we have a new student, could Miss Saunders get up please?’’ I got up and waved at the class. ‘’Could you say your name and five things about yourself?’’ The teacher asked. I looked at him and the class and said ‘’My name is Anika Saunders, I’m almost 16 years old. I love wolves and Dolphins. I’m also really good at drawing and I’m really intelligent. Oh and I also have an identical twin brother.’’ Then I sat down not wanting the attention on me. The teacher passed some book around and started the lesson. I felt my phone vibrate and looked at it discretely.

Sammy the Panda:

Hey :) hows class?

Anika (blue):

Hey! And alright yours?

I was taking some notes when the teacher called me to come to the front. ‘’Are you going to be alright in this class? You seem too young to be in grade twelve.’’ He looked at me all serious. ‘’I’ve always been ahead of my class so yes I will be. Can I go back to my work now?’’ He gave me a short nod and I went back to my seat. He gave us our homework and the bell rang.

Sammy the Panda:

It’s alright. Got homework?

Anika (Blue)

Sadly yeah... Gotta go, back in class.

Sammy the Panda:

Okay sis txt ya when I can! XXX

I walked to my next class which was history. Again I went to the back of the class but sadly the desks were all set in pairs so I knew I would have a partner. Some random guy sat down. ‘’Hi my name is Stephan.’’ He said. I looked at him and man was he hot! He looked to be 6’8’’ and had black hair. What took me by surprise though was he’s green eyes. They seemed to just suck me in. I blushed and said ‘’My name is Anika. Nice to meet you.’’ I just waved and took my sketch book and my note book out.

The teacher came in, and the same thing happened where I needed to get up and tell them my name and five interesting thing about me. Then the teacher said that his name was Mr. Tretiak. For the whole class we had to take notes. When there was about twenty minutes left to the class the teacher said that we needed to find a partner for a project. Stephan I think he’s name was went to see another guy in the class. A brunette came to my desk. ‘’Hi... My name is Samantha.’’ She seemed okay. ‘’My name is Anika. Em would you like to be my partner?’’ I asked unsure of what to do. I wasn’t one to make friends. I was usually the school nerd that no one wanted to hang out with. I guess with me being so young but really intelligent, people usually got scared. ‘’Sure!’’ She sat down beside me.

‘’You guys will need to make a project about different countries. You will need to include; geography of the country, an important point in the history of the country, some of the important people in the government and also what kind of government is it.’’ While he was talking, I was taking notes to make sure I would have everything. Samantha was looking at me. ‘’Do you have any idea on what we could make it on?’’ I smiled at her and said ‘’Well I’m from Canada. So we could make it about my country?’’ I knew a lot about Canada so might as well do it on that one. ‘’That’s a great idea! Wait here I’ll go tell Mr. Tretiak.’’ She left and when she came back she had a paper with all the instructions on it.

The bell rang. She took my phone and randomly started typing something and then her cell beeped. She gave back my phone and I saw what she had typed.

Anika (Blue):

Hey :)

Samantha the Ninja! :

Hey :)

‘’Now you have we have each other’s cell number.’’ She said smiling. ‘’What class do you have?’’ She asked me. I looked down at my schedule and saw that I had Science next. She took my schedule and compared it with hers. ‘’We have History and English together. So I’ll see you at lunch time then.’’ She said before waving and walking out of the class. I was packing my bag when I felt like someone was staring at me. I turned around and saw that Stephan was with the guy he partnered up with for the project and he was staring at me. I decided to ignore him and walked out of the class to my next one.

Science was okay. My teachers name was Mr. Veselovsky. H gave us our text book and we started on chapter one. He gave us homework to complete for the next day. So far had homework in all my classes, which was starting to be a lot but I didn’t mind. At least our history project wasn’t due till next week.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch.

Anika (Blue):

Hey bro, meet me outside by the big pine tree.

Sammy the Panda:

Okay sis!  

I walked out of class only to bump into someone. I look up to see three blond girls in a cheerleading outfit. Great just what I need, I thought to myself. The bimbo squad.

‘’Watch out bitch!’’ One of them said. ‘’Oh I’m hurt!’’ I said putting a hand over my heart to fake being hurt by their words. I laughed and just left them there. I walked outside and sat down by the tree I told my twin I would be.

I saw him coming and waved. ‘’Hey Panda!’’ I said once he was there. ‘’Hey Blue. How was your classes?’’ I made a face and he knew that it meant that I was annoyed. ‘’Got homework in all of them. Plus one guy was being all creepy.’’ I proceed on telling him about Stephan and how he kept staring at me. ‘’Sounds like someone had a crush on you!’’ He said in a sing-song voice.

‘’Does not!’’ I said while blushing.

‘’Does too!” He said while laughing.

We were just laughing when someone cleared their throat. When I looked up, I was shocked to see that one of the bimbo’s was there.

“Hi there hot stuff’’ She said trying to sound sexy. I started laughing and she sent me a death glare. My brother was there trying his best not to laugh. “Hi.” He said and went back to eating. We were both ignoring her and she got mad and stomped away. Sam just looked at me and we both laugh at how stupid she sounded, like she had any chance with my brother. We both knew she was probably the school slut just by the way she was dressed. Her top could barely hide her bra and if she bent down her skirt would probably show her bum. It was just ridiculous. 

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