The President

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I walked into the hospital and headed towards the isolation unit. When I arrived at James' room it was empty except for one nurse that was mopping the floor. My heart sank. What had happened?

"Excuse me nurse, where's the patient that was being kept here?" I asked with panic in my voice

"Oh he's just down the corridor in intensive care sweetie" she smiled at me kindly "he was making great progress throughout last night and today and the level of infection has ceased so there was no need to keep him in this horrible old room. He's got a room to himself just down the hall on the left"

"Thank you ma'am" I nodded appreciatively and left the room letting out a sigh of relief

I walked down a short stretch of hallway, then turning a sharp left

"Ohhh" I gasped as my body met with something solid

I looked up to see a tall, heavily built man in a black suit and dark shades looming over me. This could only mean one thing. The Secret Service.

"Excuse me sir, I didn't see you there, my head is just in the clouds today" I apologised politely feeling the sting return in my chest from my encounter earlier

"Sorry ma'am, I didn't see you coming" he said bluntly with a shadow of a polite grin hinting at his lips

"Do you mind if I go through or is there something important going on here?" I asked as I began to show my badge

"The President is in to see a friend ma'am" he began as he caught a glimpse of my badge "but you can carry on Detective" he nodded

I nodded in reply and carried on down the corridor, it was a long, expansive corridor that seemed never ending, or did I just really want to catch a glimpse of the President. I reached the end of the hall and gave up on my neck straining search as I received a message on my phone. I began to remove it from my jacket pocket when I came in contact with another body. I looked up in astonishment

"Mr. President, excuse me sir, I'm very sorry" I began to splutter

"Oh its ok Detective, I wasn't looking where I was going, that's my fault" he smiled politely, how did he know I was a Detective?

I smiled politely and began to walk away, feeling quite dazed and flustered. As well as being the President of the United States, President Fitzgerald Grant was outstandingly gorgeous. I smiled to myself as I turned towards James' room

"Detective?" I heard his voice echo down the hall and I turned quickly on my heels to see what was the problem "You're forgetting something" he smiled jokingly as he held up my credentials

"Oh jeez, thank you sir" I gave an embarrassed laugh. That's how he knew I was a detective.

I walked towards the president as he outstretched his hand to give the credentials to me. As I reached to take it from him my hand brushed ever so subtly off his and I looked up to see if he had noticed. He stared down at me and it was as if time froze for just that fleeting second and we were the only ones in the whole building. His piercing blue eyes seemed to scan fleetingly back and forth as if he was trying to read something in my eyes. I broke his gaze as I retrieved my credentials from him and placed them back in my pocket. What the hell just happened here?

"It was nice meeting you Detective" he said in a deep whisper

"You too Mr President" I smiled uncontrollably, snap out of it Kate!

I turned to walk away once more but as soon as I did his voice stopped me in my tracks once again.

"Detective?" I heard him call

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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