Chapter 33

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Beth's POV:

I felt queasy to my stomach when I had awoken again, this time I was on the couch with Stampy. Remembering last night's events, I sighed, looking at Stampy in his peaceful slumber. He had fallen asleep with his glasses on, so I carefully took them off and laid them on the counter.

I thought about the dream I had, letting it sink in. It was still quite early, so I figured I'd go out to be along for a while. I checked to see if anyone was awake. No. Good.

I tiptoed back to my room, careful not to disturb Stampy. I got a slip of paper and I wrote a note to them saying I'd be gone for a short while.

~time skip~

Squid's POV:

"Squid!" I jolted out of bed, hearing Amy shout for me, slightly concerned.

I tumbled out of my bed and walked to the kitchen to find Stampy and Amy, holding a note in their hands. They looked confused.

"Sqaishey went somewhere, She says in this note that she needs a clear head," Stampy said, trailing off.

"That's strange, she went alone?" 

Amy nodded.

"I really hope it isn't anything I did or anything!" Stampy fretted, sitting on the kitchen stool. 

"I doubt it, maybe she really just needs to get some air," I reassured Stampy, trying not to worry him more.

Stampy didn't look entirely convinced. "She had a disturbing dream last night and was reluctant to sleep after. It scared her pretty bad." Stampy confessed. "Out of respect for her though I won't say what it was."

"Well, we can text her, yeah, and see where she is and if she's okay. We can always go out and join her." I reassured the fretting Stampy and confused Amy.

Beth's POV:

"Hey, watch where you are going!"

I had bumped into a man in the street.

"Sorry, sir!" He just looked at me weirdly and veered away from me. I continued to walk on ahead, feeling slightly numb to my surroundings.

I took some deep breaths, trying to get my mind off of things. I decided to turn on my playlist, one of which had the song that Stampy and I heard that day by Nirvana.

I finally stopped at a bench in the park and sat down for a second. I hummed along to the tune, happily reminiscing the events that happened with Stampy and me lately.

I looked at my messages to find one from each Squid, Amy, and Stampy, asking if I was alright. Quickly responding that I was okay, I began to disassociate from the world again, just letting my thoughts wander. I smiled as I viewed some children on the swing sets that Stampy and I once swung on.

Joe's POV:

Assuming I would know where Sqaishey ventured off to, I began walking to the park across the apartment complex that we previously went to. I wandered around, trying to spot Sqaishey amongst all of the people, eventually spotting her sitting on a park bench nearby the swings.

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