So he went to Penn State

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Our offices at the arena were beginning to take shape. The furniture was all in place. We'd managed to create separate offices for me, Keri, Barb and Nicole in what had started out as two large empty rooms. The rest of the Flyers office staff worked across the hall in another space, allowing us to be close, but still have space for our Stahl corporate work.

We were only waiting on the arrival of the double glass doors that would lead into our office. For now, we just had a big opening.

And today, finally, our drink station—a carved cherry buffet--had been installed. Now we had a coffeemaker just like the one in our New York offices, and we had a small refrigerator and an icemaker.

I was pouring myself a cup of coffee while Barb organized the sugar packets and stir sticks. I could hear Nicole telling Keri about the scarves she'd ordered online.

"It's so damn cold in this place," she grumbled. "I'm going to start wearing a jacket and scarf all the time."

"There's an ice rink downstairs," I reminded her. "It has to be cold."

"It's worth it to have a hockey team..."

Nicole was interrupted by Keri, who let out a scream so loud and shrill that I dropped my coffee, spilling it all over my white V-neck sweater.

"Dammit," I cried, pulling the hot, wet sweater away from my skin. "Keri, what the—"

"A mouse! A giant one!" she said frantically, jumping up onto Barb's desk. "I hate mice."

She was near tears, and Barb and Nicole had moved to stand behind the desk. They all looked at me.

"It's probably gone," I said. "You probably scared the heck out of it, Keri."

"It's under there!" She pointed at the drink station. "I saw it run under there! I'm sorry about your shirt, Sid, but I am seriously scared of all rodents."

Just saying the word seemed to make her shudder.

"You girls okay?"

One of the janitors stuck his head through the open doorway, looking at Keri, who was crouched on the desk.


The male voice calling my name was accompanied by pounding footsteps in the hallway. Killian appeared with Liam close behind.

"You alright?" Killian asked, coming into the office. His pale blue eyes were locked on me.

"We're okay. There's a mouse—"

"A mutant mouse!" Keri cried, her eyes wide with terror. "That thing was the size of a kitten."

Killian blew out a breath, looking relieved. "Probably a rat. We get them in here on occasion."

"I might have a trap downstairs," the janitor suggested.

"It's under there," I said, pointing to the drink station.

"I'm sorry, but I can't come down from here until it's gone," Keri said.

"We'll get rid of it," Liam said, looking at Killian. "You take one end and I'll take the other. We'll chase it out and then catch it."

"With your hands?" I looked at them, horrified. "It might bite you or something."

Killian glanced around the room. They both wore their practice pants and t-shirts, and Liam pulled his t-shirt over his head.

"We can trap it in my shirt," he said, walking to one end of the drink station.

"Be careful," Keri said in a small voice. "That thing might gnaw your face off."

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