Don't Walk Away

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Orion's expression was grim. I'd known something was wrong when he didn't bitch much at practice.

"You okay?" I asked him. Practice had ended half an hour ago and the locker room was almost empty.

"Let's talk in my office," he said.

I followed him to the small room and he closed the door behind me. Plays scrawled on paper littered his desk, which also held a few pucks from his pro playing days along with a photo of his wife.

He sat down behind the desk, looking like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"I just cut Shuck," he said.

As the words sank in, I realized Shuck had disappeared as soon as practice ended, not even showering afterwards.

"Shit," I said, sighing deeply. "Can't say I blame you."

"I normally would've told you before since that's something a captain should know. But, to be honest, I had a hard time finding the balls to do it. I meant to do it yesterday, but I just couldn't. And before practice today, but ... yeah. So when I was able to, I wanted to get it over with."

I nodded my understanding.

"He'll never play pro hockey again," Orion said, his expression drawn and tense. "I know that for a fact. I thought we could work with him, but he's killing us. And it fucking sucks to cut someone who loves this team as much as Shuck."

"Yeah, he was loyal to the core," I said, remembering all the times Shuck had stood up for one of the guys with no concern for himself.

"And he cried, so now I feel like a complete asshole." Orion blew out a breath. "Sorry. I should've just said I cut him and left it at that."

"Actually, it's really good to know shit gets to you. I respect your decision. It was the right one. I love Shuck, too. If that'd been easy for you, I would've been fucking pissed."

The corners of his lips edged up in a sad smile. "Thanks, Killian."

"Was Bruce any help?"

Killian shrugged. "Bruce has a hard time with that stuff. He just sat there the whole time looking sad."

"I'm sorry, man. That's not a job anyone would've wanted to do. Shuck's been a big part of this team."

He nodded and rubbed his forehead.

"But we don't work our asses off to lose," I continued. "We've got to have a solid goaltender. So let's move forward. I'll let the other guys know about Shuck."

Orion's expression was grateful.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something else, too," he said. "Sidney."

The back of my neck tingled with awareness. "What about her?"

"You tell me."

"What've you heard?" I asked.

"Nothing. I can just tell there's something happening with the two of you."

"What do you wanna know?" I asked defensively. "I haven't slept with her."

He put up a hand to stop me. "Hey. Relax. I'm mostly asking because I wondered if you needed someone to talk to about it."


"We all know relationships with staff, or in this case, an owner, can be problematic. But one of my best friends ended up marrying our team trainer. It was right for them. So I'm not judging."

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