"That's my girl."

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Last night's phone conversation had made it clear Killian was nervous about us, which made me feel awful. He heard the tension in my voice even though I tried to hide it. The last thing he needed right now was to take on my problems. I'd thought about telling him my tension wasn't about him, but that would mean admitting there was a source of tension. And, right now, that was not something I wanted to admit.

I'd been watching his game on TV at my apartment tonight, and I'd burst into tears when he'd scored. It was his first NHL goal, and I should've been there. I wanted to be there, but I knew if I'd gone I wouldn't've been able to hide my stressed-out state. I might have a perfect poker face for business, but when it came to Killian my face was an open book. I would have broken down the minute I saw him.

I needed to resolve this 'situation' before telling him about it. The trouble was, I didn't have the first clue about what to do about it.

Two glasses of wine and many tears later, I was huddling under my covers when he called for the second time.

I did my best to sound upbeat, "Hey, Captain. Great game tonight."

"You've been crying again," he said, cutting straight to the chase. "I can hear it in your voice."


"Sid, don't bullshit me. I've waited too long to have this with someone and I'm not watching it slip away without a fight. Either tell me what the hell is going on, or I'm getting in a car and driving to Fenway right fucking now."

I cringed, realizing I hadn't spared him any worry. Instead I'd created needless concern about our relationship.

"It's not you, I promise. I love you more than ever."

"So what are you saying? I should get a car?" Now I could hear the tension in his voice.

I held back a smile. He was reminding me of me right now.

"Alright, I'll tell you," I said, gathering my courage. "God, I hate this. It's so embarrassing."

"Just spill it. I'm going out of my mind here, Sid."

"A few years ago, when I was in college, I went on a trip to the south of France with some friends. All the girls sunbathed topless on the yacht we were on. Hell, everybody in France bathes topless. Anyway, I hadn't thought about it since, until someone emailed me a topless photo of myself the other day. I'm sitting on the yacht, holding a beer, and looking like a total lush, which is so not me."

"Sid, wait a sec, I'm not following you...was it one of your friends who sent the photo?"

"I wish," I muttered. "It was taken by somebody on another boat. It was sent anonymously with a request for half a million dollars."

"Someone's blackmailing you?" His incredulous tone had a harsh chill to it.

"Well, they're trying to, yes."

"Can we track this guy down at all? I'd love to drop by his house and meet him."

My heart swelled at his use of the word 'we'. I'd been feeling desperate and alone ever since the email had arrived, and his support made me weak with relief.

"I tried tracking the email. It originated in India, but I'm sure that's not where he's at."

"Can't it be tracked any further?"

I laid down on my couch and closed my eyes. "No. I haven't been open with you about how much of a computer nerd I am because it's not exactly sexy. I'm pretty good at this stuff and I've spent hours on this. I even sent the email to my IT guys at Firestorm. Nothing. If I agree to send the money, we'll have something to work with. We can trace him through whatever account number he sends me."

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