U jealous, boss?

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I could hold up my end of an argument any day of the week, but when I was truly pissed I said absolutely nothing. Lance knew this, and during the entire drive back to my apartment he begged me to talk to him.

"We need to work this out, Sidney. I know I haven't been the man you deserve, but I'm ready to try again. You know we make a great team."

I'd heard it all before, and I was so done with it. My last remaining hope that Lance and I could remain friends had vanished tonight. If I ever saw him again it would be too soon.

When we arrived at my condo, instead of parking out front Lance circled the block, still talking a blue streak.

"I'm here and we're face to face now. Let's work this out, sweetheart."

I was sick to death of listening to him and I just wanted to get out of this stupid car and get up to my condo. Obviously I was going to have to try a more direct approach, "You'd better stop this car right fucking now, Lance."

He shook his head and looked surprised, and then cruised into an empty parking spot. "So this is it?" He leaned toward me, angling for a kiss.

"No," I said, venom in my tone. "Eight months ago was it, but you refused to move on. And as far as tonight goes you put the final nail in your own coffin. I can't believe you made a comment like that in front of everyone, let alone one of my players."

"That was only because he's one you've got the hots for. I could see it all over your face." I almost laughed at his petulant tone.

"Lance, I wish you well. But I can't talk to you anymore. Please, don't call me again."

I got out of the car and closed the door, not looking back. He pulled away as I was unlocking my front door. Maybe – hopefully – he'd understood me this time. I'd been foolish to believe he would ever be satisfied with just being friends.

Once inside, I went up to my room and changed clothes and took off my makeup, relieved to be in for the night. While I was brushing my teeth, my phone dinged signally a text message. I finished what I was doing, grabbed my phone and climbed into bed. I was ready to chat and I just knew this message was from Killian.

Killian: U alone?

Me: Yes. Did you take Barbie back to her Dream house?

Killian: Yep.

Me: Did you kiss her?

Killian: U jealous, boss?

Me: Just curious.

Killian: No. U let Oldie kiss u?

Me: He tried. Didn't get very far though.

Killian: You were the most beautiful woman in that room tonight. Probably in all the other rooms in the world, too.

I stared at the words on the screen, reading them twice before responding. It was unlike Killian to say something so sweet, with no sarcasm or bravado to cover himself.

Me: Thank you. Can I keep the t-shirt?

Killian: lol, sure. U like it?

Me: I'm wearing it right now.

Killian: Damn. Nice. I wouldn't give that shirt to just anyone btw. It was my lucky shirt in college. Wore it for 32 games straight without washing it once.

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