Q & A

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry the story hasn't been updated this week yet. I recently got back from a vacation so I promise to have it up tomorrow :) Until then, here's the Q & A:

What inspired you to write this book?

This is actually my third Peter Pan story. I've tried so many times to stray away from it but I keep finding myself drawn to it. There's just so much unexplained and unexplored about the story, and so many different directions J M Barrie could have taken each individual character and what happens next and etc. I'm absolutely head over heels in love with the little boy in the green hat.
I was inspired to write this particular story because I wanted to do a spin off of the original Peter Pan. My first story is about the Once Upon a Time Pan, my second is about Jeremy Sumpter's rendition of Pan (from the fantastic 2003 movie), and so I figured it was time to involve the classic figure that fell in love with in the first place.

Where did the idea come from?

I remember distinctly being in my first class of the morning, daydreaming (per usual), and suddenly this crazy idea came to my mind.
What if there was a fourth Darling who got left behind when Peter came to the nursery? The question got me really excited and in about the span of a week I was putting together characters and working on setting up the prologue.

Top 3 fav Wattpad books?

My number one is actually the fanfic that inspired me to start writing in the first place (back in 2013, I believe) and it's called "The Piper's Song" by @wandress. It's really great and I highly suggest reading it.
Number two is a new series I found and the first book is called "The Runner" by @so1tgoes. I found it recently and just couldn't put it down. Great read.
Number three is probably @JenniJames 's rendition of both "Peter Pan" and "Return to Neverland". Super awesome writing and new ideas that really inspired me!


Holly :)


17, recently. I began writing on Wattpad when I was 14, and if you've read my first story you can (hopefully) tell that my writing had come a long way... lol

Fav author outside of Wattpad?

I get asked this a lot and it's so tough for me! I'm a total book nerd so picking a favorite is like asking a mother to pick her favorite child. My books are my children. At the moment, though, I just finished the first book in a series by Laini Taylor called "Dreamdark: BlackBringer" that was unbelievably amazing and I'm excited to read the next one!

Did someone design the cover or where did you find it?

I actually designed the cover myself. It took a couple attempts to find one I was satisfied with and this was it. I'm still trying for something better, but I like this one for now. I created it by finding a picture of the girl I wanted to resemble Ophelia and then I superimposed it on a background from a cool photo I found and played with the lighting/hues for a while.

Where do you get your media from?

90% of my media I get from this wonderful app called 'Weheartit'. It's free (yay) and is a great source at finding media to be inspired by and to capture the attention of your readers. I usually search for what I need (i.e: fairy, magic, swimming, darkness, and so on), and I'm always pleased with the results. If I still can't find what I want, I try tumblr.

Favorite film?

Either the Peter Pan from 2003 (it's seriously so fantastic), or the Pirates of the Caribbean series. But I'm obsessed with hundreds of others so don't quote me on these... lol

Are you British, American, etc... ?

American, though I wish I was British so I had a cool accent :(

Opinion on regular Peter Pan?

Regular Peter is so adorable! People see him as just some innocent little kid, which in a way he is, but I think there are so many more layers to him. He's a true mystery and I do my best to unravel that uncertainty in my books. I've read all of J M Barrie's original works (including "Peter in Kensington Gardens" and "Peter and Wendy") so I like to think I have a good idea of who he is. If he came to my window sill and asked me to fly away, I wouldn't hesitate to say yes. I mean, who would??

Opinion on regular Wendy?

Regular Wendy is also pretty cute. I've always admired how she stood up for herself (against her father, and against Hook, and when Peter was ignoring her), but I've also thought she's a little whiny. I can't really blame her though, she's as young as Peter and so having her mood swings is normal. I also admire how she takes care of her little brothers, and how she takes on being mother for the Lost Boys.

How long has Ophelia been in Neverland at this point?

That answer is really up to you. However you want to take it. If you notice in JM Barrie's works and in most remakes of the movies, there is no strict definition of time. Yes, the sun goes down and the sun goes up, but nobody really keeps track. Neverland is a place where time is irrelevant because nobody really ages past childhood, and so I've tried my best not to put a restraint on time in the story.

How old is Slightly?

As you know, Peter rescues this Lost Boys a certain number of days after they fall out of their prams (carriages). They're obviously tiny babies when he saves them, so I like to imagine that he drops them off with the fairies until they get big enough for him to play with or something like that, since he's not really the responsible type. I put Slightly's age at about 11 or 12. Compared to Ophelia, I really see him as the younger one. The one who runs more wildly and doesn't hesitate in the face of danger, where Ophelia had learned to be precise and patient.

Do you like music? If so, what's your favorite song or genre?

I love music!! Where on earth would I be without it?? I actually put on instrumental playlists when I write or do homework because it helps me focus. My favorite soundtrack (meaning without words) is by far either from Peter Pan 2003, all songs written by James Newton Howard 🙌🏻 , or from The Theory of Everything. 
My favorite genre otherwise is either alternative pop or indie folk. Some of my favorite bands are Bastille, the 1975, Young the Giant, Walk the Moon, The Lumineers, Mumford and Sons, I really could just go on forever. Currently, I have the sound track for the Broadway musical "Finding Neverland" on repeat and I'm hoping to see it over the summer!

How long is your book? Is it near the beginning, middle, end...?

Based on what has been published so far, and the direction I plan on taking the book, I'd say it's quickly approaching the middle. Not quite to the middle point yet, but very close. The process of writing a story, to me, changes over time based on new ideas I get. But I can tell you for sure, just like with all my other books, I already have the ending chapter(s) written. It's easier for me to do that, because then I now how to build up the action and bring it to that point. I'm excited for you all to see it (eventually) but sad because that will mean the book is over.

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