Shawn: MILA Camila: what Shawn: they don't sell Pringles here Camila: 😱😱😱😱 Shawn: 😭 Camila: can you still get the coke? Shawn: Ye Camila: at least we have that right? Shawn: I meen lik Ye butt wat abut da Pringles Camila: why are you texting like you're at some sort of meme festival? Shawn: y nut? Camila: oh my god Shawn: lelelelel Camila: you loser Shawn: I cri Camila: ANYWAY Camila: get Doritos Shawn: um ok
Shawn: Mila Camila: what now? Shawn: I don't see him Camila: who? Shawn: Austin Shawn: your ex Camila: why are you looking for him? Shawn: you asked for Doritos Camila: 😱😱😱 Camila: 😂😂😂 Camila: omgggg Shawn: thank you thank you Camila: 👏👏👏 Camila: ok but for real get some Doritos Shawn: any dip? Camila: I guess that one white dip that tastes really good Shawn: that definitely narrows it down Camila: you know what I'm talking about Shawn: I know I know I know I know Camila:
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Shawn: wowwwww Shawn: did you really just reference our song? Camila: yes Shawn: godamn Camila: haha Shawn: I like how you just searched "I know what you did last summer performance " Camila: I had to find the BEST picture Shawn: you sure did find a picture Camila: you got that right Camila: ok I'll see you when you get here Camila: so hurry up Shawn: k damn Shawn: see ya Camila: ✌️