Camila: let's go out Shawn: we already are Camila: you don't say 😱 Camila: I meant on a date Shawn: where Camila: um idk Shawn: really???? Camila: ugh Shawn: let's go... To dinner Camila: no Shawn: *turns to audience Shawn: she's never satisfied Shawn: *queue background laughter Camila: ¿Qué estas haciendo? Shawn: what Camila: Nvm Shawn: hmm Camila: bowling? Shawn: oh that sounds fun! Camila: so are you down? Shawn: Ye Camila: yay! Shawn: so when Camila: in like an hour Shawn: I have to get ready Camila: same Shawn: I'm going to get ready Camila: k ---------- Shawn:
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
Camila: didn't you post that on Instagram a while back? Shawn: 😳 Camila: caught ya Shawn: ugh Camila: hurry up and get over her Camila: here Shawn: k damn Camila: y u gotta b lik that Shawn: are you in that phase that all 11 year olds go through where they talk and act like they're ghetto? Camila: Ye Shawn: of course you are