Chapter 26: Jobs

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I woke up the next day to Eric's empty bed and hushed voices coming from the living room. I slowly rolled out of bed and crept to the top of the stairs as silent as possible.

"She's just got through initiation and now has to deal with picking a job, she doesn't need this too." A voice says, a voice that I recognize as Tobias. I glanced down the stairs to see Max, Tobias and Eric standing near the door.

"So what, just don't tell her? She deserves to know Four." Eric hisses. Deserves to know what?

"I do see where each of you are coming from, but I have to say I agree with Eric. She deserves know. I mean, it's hard on all of us." Max says softly.

"I'm not saying to never tell her, just wait a few days at least. Give her some time to settle in." Four groans running his hands over his face.

"And how do you think she'll feel when she finds out we knew and didn't tell her? She'll be devastated." Eric says

"She'll be devastated whether we tell her now or wait." Four argues and I decide to make an appearance now. I start making my way down the steps and all of their eyes snap to meet mine.

"Hey Tris, how'd you sleep?" Four asks forcing a smile to his face.

"Cut the bullshit Four. What aren't you telling me?" I sneer and he sighs.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asks, his face dropping instantly.

"I heard enough. Now I'm going to ask you again, what are you not telling me?" I ask reaching the bottom of the steps and crossing my arms.

"Um, well." He runs his hands over the back of his neck and I glare.

"Just tell her." Eric says and Four stops stammering to send him the same look I have on my own face. His eyes switch to mine and soften dramatically. "Bea, mom, um she, she's dead." He blurts and my arms and face instantly drop.

"What! How?" I gasp.

"They believe she died in childbirth." Max says and I can't stop the scuff from leaving my lips.

"You seriously believe that bullshit." I laughed dryly.

"Beatr-" Four starts but I continue.

"Stop!" I interrupt. "We know that as realistic as hell freezing over. We just saw her for Dauntless sake and I'm sure as hell she wasn't pregnant. That son of a bitch beat her to death, and if you can't see that you're just as goddamn blind as the rest of that bloody faction Tobias!" I shout before a sob racked through me and I drop to the ground bringing my hands to my face. I feel Eric wrap his arms around me and I shift to bury my face in his chest. That man has destroyed my family, my life, and just when I think I'm safe, life deals me another bad had.

"Shhh baby, sh. We'll stop him. I promise baby, I promise." He whispers in the my hair turning my face back to wipe tears away with the pads of his thumbs. His eyes staring a minute through my blurry tears. All I can focus on is the steel gray that absorbs me. I hear a door close behind me and turned to see that Max had left the room. I sniff softly as I pull away from Eric slightly. Marcus has hurt me enough, Eric is right we need to stop him, I need to stop him.

"I know what I want to do." I whisper pushing myself up from the floor.

"What?" He asks softly moving to his feet as well. He places his hands on my shoulders and I wipe my face.

"Jobs, I know what job I want." I say before I quickly leaving the room.


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