He knows

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      It was the next day, after the whole incident thing at the Diner. Me and Mikey were at school waiting for Luce, who was one of my closest friends since pre-K to come to first period. We all had art together, and we were making whistles that looked like animals.

      " So, have you talked to Darren?" Mikey asks me worriedly. " Ever since Tyler sent me those texts about him? No, I can't face him, it hurts to much." He looks at me kind of upset. " you should, it's for your own good, and you have the right to hear the truth, from him." Just then, Lucy walked in.

      " Let me guess, you still haven't asked Darren if what Tyler said was true?" Leave it to Lucy to be obvious. " I can't just be like ' hey Tyler told me this, is it true?' He would kill Tyler for telling me."

      "Maybe it isn't true though, and Ty was just reading into things wrong, you never know until you ask." " Lucy, I love how you see the good in every situation, but I doubt Ty would read things wrong in that kind of situation." Just then, my phone buzzed; it was Darren.

Darren: 'Hey beautiful, want to hang out after school? I know I've been a little distant for a while, but I wanna see you again. :)'

      " Umm guys... Darren wants to hang out after school today, what should I say to him?" " SAY YES! I TOLD YOU HE WAS A GOOD PERSON! Now he can explain everything, and you two can live happily ever after." Really Lucy, why.

Me: 'Umm, yeah I guess so, text me when you want to hang, see you after school.' 

      " Guys, my pig looks like a fat rat, this whistle will never look right" I was getting frustrated. " Then, just say it is a rat and give it a backstory as to why it is so fat." " Omg! Luce, you're a genius! I'll say he is a stealthy rat, who is an undercover ninja. He is so fat because he sneaks around and steals the cheese off the traps without getting caught!"

      I think we were all having fun with this stupid project in art. But we had to start cleaning up and head to second period. Not like we are gonna do anything though, considering we don't have a teacher.

      We all walked into second period, to see, yet again; it was another sub. It honestly hasn't surprised me the last few days. Our actual teacher has been out for the last month, for reasons that we don't know.

      So, we have been working on this stupid worksheet for the past 15 minutes, and I just finished it. I looked to Luce to see she finished it to, then to Mikey, and so had he. We all turned our work in and started talking quietly, so we don't disrupt the class.

      " So, what are you going to say to Darren?" " I don't know Mikey, maybe I just wont bring it up to him, just let it go." " Laila. I'm saying this as your closest girl friend you have., you need to tell him! Like, what if he tries to kiss you again? Won't you feel bad?" 

      " Luce, I promise if he tries to kiss me, I'll push him away and talk to him about it, but until then, maybe we can be just friends, and the whole kissing thing won't happen." She kinda gave me an unsure look, but let it go.

      Finally, sixth period comes; that means it is time for lunch! My favorite class. " Mikeyyyy!!!" " Lailaaa!!!" " Did you bring the pizza?!?!" The only question I ever have for him during lunch everyday. " No, I forgot it. I'm sorry." He gives me a sly grin. " " Mikey, I swear if you don't give me a damn piece of pizza I'll tell Luce tha..." I was cut off. " Okay ! Here is your pizza now shut up!" He looks worried, then we both laugh, cause he knows I wouldn't tell Luce anything he doesn't want me to.

      " Speaking of Luce, where is she? She's usually here by now" Mikey sounded kind of worried, but then I realized it was 10 minutes into lunch, so I started to get worried too.  

      "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Laila, did you know Luke is telling everyone you guys have been hanging out and might have a thing? Why didn't you tell me, I'm one of your best friends."

      I was so confused, I didn't know what to say. I was staring at her with a weird look when she started to get pissed off. " Why can't you just tell me if you like a guy or not? I mean come on, I tell you everything. I get Luke isn't your normal type, but I would still except it!" She was beyond mad.

      " Luce, I assure you, nothing is going on between Luke and I, nor will anything ever happen between us." She glanced over my shoulder. " Might want to tell him that, pretty boy is headed over here right now."

      As if he heard, after she said that he pulled me out of my seat and hugged me. I probably should have stopped him, but I missed his hugs, whenever I was down they would always cheer me up.

      " So much for you two not having a thing! Thanks for lying, you're a great best friend." Luce ran off, and I pushed out of Luke's hold. " We need to talk, now!" I pulled him outside, but it was cold and I started to shiver. " Here take my jacket. " Luke tried to take his jacket off, but I stopped him. 

      " Why are you telling people we have a thing?" I was being blunt, but I didn't care.

      "Because, as of now, we do." He smirked at me. I shot him a shocked and confused looked.

      " I am not having this conversation, we do not have a thing and we never will!" I heard the bell ring and walked inside to my 7th period class. Italian, which of course Luke was in.

      "Alright, I'll put it to you this way, we have a thing now, or I tell this entire class your little secret." He smirked. I didn't believe him.

      " Go ahead, nobody will believe you. Besides, all I did was hang out at a race track, you saw me once. Big deal." I was calling him out.

      " Oh, I know a lot more than just that, and I'll tell all of this class, and the school, if you don't keep this thing going between us." I was pissed, he knows nothing, and I was going to call him on his stupid bluff.

      " There isn't and never will be a thing between us, so go ahead, tell them my ' secret '." I made sure to emphasize the word secret.

      He walked to the front of the class. " Hey, everybody! I just thought you should know something about your little nerd friend Laila!" All eyes were on Luke now. He wouldn't do it though.

      " Well she likes to hang out at the race tracks all the time, when everybody's racing, while she pretends she's at home studying."

      " I went there once, I was cheering on Mikey." I glared at him

      " Oh, but what about the other times I saw you there? working in the pit crews? Watching him, or better yet, when I see you racing? What about that racer girl?" He smirked at me again.

      " Me? A racer? Yeah right!" I was trying to sit quietly and read, as to not ruin my reputation of being a nerd.

      " Oh, then you won't mind me showing this video..." I cut him off by pulling him into the hallway.

      " Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you, to make you do this to me?" He got sad for a moment, then showed nothing again.

      " How about when you left me for your stupid nerd friends? When you acted like I didn't exist, like we weren't close. That hurt. I mean I don't care now. But if you don't pretend we have a thing, better yet, pretend we are dating, I'll show everyone this video." He smirked

      I couldn't risk it. " Fine, I'll pretend we have a thing, but you have to help me fix things with Luce, you're the reason she's mad." He rolled his eyes but agreed and we walked back into class.

      " Sorry everyone, I was just kidding, I just wanted to joke around with my 'girlfriend' a bit, but I took it to far, she isn't a racer. Definitely still her nerdy cute self." He flashed me a smile and emphasized the word girlfriend so everyone would hear it. Everyone was shocked.

      I guess I will just have to see how being his pretend girlfriend will play out.

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