Date Night

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  • Dedicated to Cody Burke

Kals Pov

Its 7:30 on a friday  night and im in my bedroom trying to figure out what to wear over to my first date with Klaus ... i smile at the old memory of our first date .. in his bedroom cuddled eating pizza and  watching glee.  I decide my black cargo shorts with my red converse and my red v neck shirt as i walk out the door .. i get a text i ignore it ... i walk over to klauses house 

i get over to klauses house and ring the doorbell ...he answers 

he is standing there .. in the same outfit as me .. i smile ... wow we still dress a like ...

he smiles and i walk in and i see he has all my favorites on the coffee table ... 

my love of cream soda and spicy doritos and then my love of nachos and popcorn and hotsauce .. and then bananna pepper and pepperoni pizza .. my mouth waters as he pulls out a copy of pitch perfect my favorite movie ...

my phone rings again its anthony 

i answer it 

hey whats up

he says pearl canceled on me .. so im on my way over to your house thought we could hang tonight ..

I look at klaus who is putting in the movie and grabbing a blanket i say .. im at my friends house ... he kinda needs me right now... 

Anthony says well ill join you guys .. i look at klaus and say .. hey my friend wants to come over is that ok . i shake my head no so he will say no outloud ....he says that will be perfect a threesome ... i laugh and say come over .. i give him klauses address and i wait on the porch with klaus ... who is very excited to meet one of my friends ... other than Liam , tyler or david ... 

anthony pulls up and says hey as he introduces himselt to klaus ... klaus looks at me and says are you and him a thing .. i shake my head no ...

anthony pulls me to the side and asks me the same thing ... i shake my head no again as we go inside .. 

we all sit on the sofa and i get stuck in the middle ... 

we all watch the movie ..

during the movie anthony and klaus are both positioned so i can cuddle with only one of them 

i get a text 

Cuddle with one ... and you get your Smallville disc 1 back ...

cuddle with none and it will say hello to mr.hammer 

but choose wisely .. you dont wanna be alone next weekend .. stuffing your emotions in your tummy again ...



i curse under my breath ... and look at them both ... i lie and say im cold and cuddle with Klaus ...he had the blanket ... 

we continue to watch the movie ..

as the credits roll .. anthony is passed out in a ball on the couch and klaus is looking at me with a smile ...

i wake up anthony and say well im going home ...

Klaus walks me home at my doorway he asks me will you go out with me ...

i smile and say yes ...

klaus smiles and says ill see you in the Am hun 

i go inside and .. close my door ... 

there is a knock on my door ...

an orange envolope slides under  the door 

i open it and it has my smallville disc 

as i open my door .. anthony kisses me suddenly and says i love you ...

i am speechless as i say i love you too 

i go up to my room 

i get changed for bed 

i go to sleep


the next morning i wake up to someone knocking at the door 

i open it and there is package on the doormat 

i go to the kitchen 

and open it 

it is a book thats called Juggling for morons

a post it on the inside 

better learn how to juggle boys 

Ian knew how to juggle you 


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