Can't Wait To Meet Again Cha.2

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It's my finally school day, it's our finally exams, I wake up and kiss matt cheek, he lay on the couch, Matt is my boyfriend, we dating since 3 months, he so lovely, I love him, he slept at my home last night because his home a little away from mine, it was really late when he wanna go home, so I tell him to stay here.

I wear my clothes and walk to the door, I wrote a note for matt, then I leave, I warps my arms around my book, walk to the school direction, 'Hey, Lis' I hear Ian yell, I look back to find Megan and Ian walk to me, Megan and Ian my best friends, they dating since 11 months, maybe.

'Morning Li' Megan say and give me a light hug, I hug her back, 'Morning' I say for her and Ian too, 'it's our last day here, at the next year we'll be in London' Ian say, we smile at him then walk into the school.

'tell me, Louis call you again last night, or not?' Megan ask, 'yes, he do' I say, I told Megan about Louis that he call me from week, every day at 3Am, she tell me that there's some thing wrong with him and I have to know what is it, but he in London and I'm in Doncaster, we a little far from each other, I really care about Louis, a lot, he's my best and my close friend for ever.

After we had the exam, Me, Ian and Megan, walk out to go home, they say bye and leave together, every girl have a boyfriend, he come to her at the school to pick her up to their home, but Matt never do something like that, I hate that about him.

I walk to my home slowly on the way, wanna take a long time with the walk, at the half way, I cut by my phone buzzing, I pull it out from my pocket, Louis calling me:

Me: Lou, hi

Louis: Li, HI, how ya doing?

Me: good and you?

Louis: great, I'll visit Doncaster in this weekend

Me: OH God, really

Louis: yeah, I can't wait till come and see you again

Me: ohh, Louis, me too

Louis: ok, talk to you later, take care..

I nod and place the phone back on my pocket, walk in the house,  Daddy in the work, mommy on her work too, Emily and Sam not home yet, Emily and Sam they are the most annoying young sister and brother ever, they cute 6 years old twin, I love them but they so annoy, I walk into the home, Ito my room,  I lay on the bed and pull my phone to call matt, but he don't answer me, it's not his first time to do this.

At the other side, I'm so mush happy, really, Louis will come to stay with me at the next week, I spend a really long time without seeing him, I wanna spend my whole time with him, and try hard to make his week incredible, I keep look at my phone and smile, remember what me and Louis done at the last summer holiday, it was total crazy.

'LIs,  are you home?' I hear my mom yell, 'yes mom, I'm here' I yell and get up, walk to my wardrobe, change my clothes, I walk down to help my mom in the kitchen, 'How was your day?' mommy ask, 'good, a little, Louis will come to spend some days here next week' I say, 'great, it's really long time, since his last time here' ,'yeah, I can't wait to see him' ,'and what about matt, if Louis come here, you'll stay with him right, I wanna know what you'll do?' ,'I really don't know, but… I know how to do it' I say with a smile, I have the best mom in the world.

I help my mom with the dinner, after a while, 'Mommy, we home' I hear Sam say, they run to the kitchen hug my mom, 'Me?, I wanna hug too' I say with a childish accent, they smile and run to hug me, me and Emily sheer the room, but Sam has his own room, some time I feel jealous from him, he have his own space, but sheering the room with a young sister not that bad, I like to stay with Emily and spend a time with her.

'Go and change, we'll had the dinner when Daddy home' mom say to Emily and Sam, they nod and run to their room's, 'EMILY, DON'T DIRTY THE ROOM' I yell at Emily, 'I'LL' she reply, I smile, mom smile at me, 'tell your brother that Louis will come here' mom say, 'I'll, when we'll finish the dinner' I say, 'mom they holiday start, we wanna go and stay with grand ma in London' Sam ask, 'soon baby, Lis have something to tell you about' ,'oh mom, not now' I say with a giggle, 'c'mon tell me, I'll not tell Em' Sam say, 'hey, I'll not tell you without Emily' I say, 'Fine!!' he say, like he don't like what I say.

Emily walk down wear my black new high heels, 'Lis, what you think?' Emily ask me while she walk to me with the high heels, 'Em, no, take it off now' I say, she smile and run away, 'c'mon, I wanna tell you something' ,'ok Lis' she say, 'stop call me Lis, my name is Lisa, LISA' I say, she laugh and Sam too, making me laugh at my self.

'ok, I wanna say that Louis will visit us on the next week, he will sat here too' I say, a really big smile show on their faces, 'OHHH, LOUIS WILL SPEND THE SUMMER HOLIDAY WITH US' they start to jump and yell, I stand next to my mom in the kitchen watching them, laughing at them, they love Louis more than Me, some time I feel joules but he like a big brother to all of us.

After some hours, I were in my room, reading some story about one direction and the vampires on WattPad, I enjoy there a lot, I met Louis friends 6 times, they so cute guy, special Niall, at the last time, I was really exited with them all,

But now, I don't know what I have to do, how to organizing my time, between Louis and Matt, I really don't know what to do, Matt didn't call me since last night, I know that he the bad boy, but he tell me that he like me and wanna be with me in relationship, every girl wanna guy tell her that, I just give up to him, with the day's, I used to him and start to like him, but I still hate a lot of things about him.

Some girls told me once, that Matt was with his friends in bet, and they Dare him to date me, when I ask her why, she told me because of my body, since that time, I hate my body and everything, sometimes I feel like he use me, but he'll never touch my virginity, maybe we make out and do things, but it's normal and happen between any girl and boyfriend.

Even he don't hung out with me a lot, sometimes I feel joules that Megan and Ian together all the time, but me and Matt no, I barely  see him, he just come to me at the night, then leave, I wanna him to change a little, but you can't change a guy, but I'm a little bit happy.

Ohh, I total forget about the Date with the dresses shop, Me and Megan will go and bay dresses for the prom, I'm really exited, Matt don't ask me yet to be his date, I'm his girlfriend, so Without a doubt I'll be his date, Louis will be here, I'll take him with me too, I really can't wait till see Louis again.

'Lisa, the dinner' Sam say knocking on my room door, 'ok' I say and get up walk down to the kitchen, they all already there, 'Hi Daddy' I say walk to my Dad and kiss his cheek, Daddy hate Matt too, he keep asking me to leave him, I deserve the best daddy keep say this for me.

'So, the holiday' Daddy say, 'YAAY' Sam and Emily yell, we smile at them, 'Daddy, wanna hear a good news?' Sam ask daddy, while he look at me, 'sure, I love the good news' Dad say with a smile, 'Louis will come here in the next week' Sam say, 'really, great' Dad say, Ahh, every one here love him, he really lovely one.

I hear the door knocking, me and my mom in the kitchen, cleaning, 'Lisa, Matt here' Emily yell, 'I hate that guy' she say and walk to the bed room, I smile at her and walk to see Matt, 'Hey Lisa' he say with a smile, 'Hey' I say and give him a hug, he lay to kiss me, I move a way from him, 'Daddy here' I whispering, 'Aha' he say, 'Good evening Mr and MRs Alexander' Matt say with a smile, 'Hello Matt' mommy say, I smile at her and walk to my room.

'So, finally you in the holiday' he say, 'Yes, finally' I say with a smile, 'great', Matt say and give me a kiss on the lips, 'Louis will be here on the next week' I say with a big smile on, 'Louis again' he say with a boring face, 'what?, he may friend and I wanna let you know that the next week you'll miss me a lot and I'll miss you, cuz I'll spend it with Louis' ,'oh really, I'm your boyfriend not him' ,'yeah, but I'm here every day, he not' ,'great Lis, bravo' Matt say and leave the room, slam the door after him, I know he get mad, he hate Louis so much, but he have to understand, Me and Louis are best friends.    

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