How I Missed You Cha3.

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Some Day's Later:

'Lisa, are you wake up yet?' I hear my mom say, 'yes, just a minute' I yell from my room, Today Louis will come here, I really can't wait to see him, my mom and the crazy twine cleaning the home and do some things they think that Louis will love it.

I walk down to find my mom, Emily and Sam in the kitchen, bake, 'ok, mom I'm going' I say, kiss her cheek and walk out, since that day, I haven't see Matt, he don't even call me, I'll not call him too, I don't do any thing wrong with him, he get mad because of Louis, but this not his work, I'll give Louis all my time.

I ask for a taxi, and ask him to drive me to the Airport, After some minute, 'thanks' I say, pay for him and walk into the airport, I stand waiting with the people, I keep look at the people who walk down to the waiting hall, waiting to see Louis, but I can't.

I spend a 1/2 hour while I'm stand there, just waiting for Louis, I look at my phone, then I place it back on my pocket, 'why it's take too long time?' I ask my self, I cut by my phone, Louis calling me:

Me: Where the fuck are you? *I yell at him*

Louis: *Laugh*, I can't walk in silly, I'm out in the car, c'mon.

He say and hung up, I walk out to the cars, I don't know any car is his car, I look around to something let me know that this is Louis car, but nothing, 'what are you doing here?' I hear the voice that I missed say, I have a tears on my eyes, I never miss some one like this before, he finally here,  'Louis?' I turn around to look at him walking to me, he walk to me with his perfect smile.

I run to meet him in a tight hug, 'finally, you here' I say hugging him, 'Yeah, I'm here' he say, I stuck on his hug for some minutes, I really miss Louis, 'Welcome Home' I say, he lay, kiss my cheek, 'I really miss you LI, can't wait to this week' Louis say, I jump again and hug him tighter, 'Hey guys we have to leave before the fans notice you here' poul say, 'Hi poul' I say, he smile at me, we walk to Louis car, drive to his family home, 'ok, see you later' I say and walk in my home, he smile at me, 'I'll not late' he say and walk in.

'Mommy, Louis here' I yell, 'YAAY' Emily and Sam, start to yell and jump, 'hey, you have to be quite, he just arrived, ok' I say, they nod, 'he'll sleep with me?' Sam ask me while I'm walking up, 'No Sami, he'll sleep on my room, me and Emily room' I say, 'How's that, he have to sleep in the boy room?' ,'ok, maybe he'll' I say.

I walk in and tidy my room, do the bed's, me and Emily will sheer a bed, Louis will take any bed he want, My Mom cook for Louis his favorite Food and sweets, I walk in the bathroom, take a quick shower and change my clothes , getting ready before Louis be here.

I walk down, 'Ohh, Nice' Sam say, 'thanks' I say with a smile, 'Any help mommy?' ,'no love, everything is great, we have to wait for him' mommy say, 'ok, but he'll sit with his family a little' ,'it's his family, he missed them too' she say, I smile at her.

I walk to my room, I wanna call Matt, I close the Door, sit on the bed, I press call on Matt name, he don't answer, ''Matt, answer me, we have to talk..xx'' I press send, I wait a little, but he don't even reply, fine, I call Megan :

Me: Hi Megan

Megan: Hi, lis, is Louis here?

Me: yes, he is, but in his family home now, look, I wanna ask you?

Megan: what you wanna ask?

Me: Matt don't answer me, or my messages, call him and tell him to call me

Megan: Matt, Lisa, look forget about him please, focus at Louis now, he here.

Me: no way Megan, he'll always be my best friend, Louis my old brother

Megan; fine, but I'll not gonna call Matt, till he call you.

She say and hung up, 'What the fuck she say?' I yell, Why he get joules from Louis that’s mush, Louis just my best friend, Matt, what I have to do with him, he always get the things wrong, and the silly Megan, she can't stop thinking , that I'm in love with Louis, but I'm not.

I lay on the bed, Emily walk in the room, Lay next to me, 'Lis, way you not happy, Louis here, you have to be happy?' she say, I look at her, warps my arm's around her, 'umm!!' I mumble , 'Don't talk, I know that's because of Matt' she say, how she know, she the best at all, I kiss her forehead, 'maybe..' ,'Lisa, forget about him, we all know that he bad boy for you, he just use you, you really hot and have a great body, just brake up with him, you deserve the best' Emily say, I look her in the eye's ,thinking that she too young to know what to say about that, but she give me what I want to hear.

I really Don't know what to do, 'thanks Em, you comfort me with your words now' I say, she smile and give me a kiss on my cheek, 'LOUIS HERE' we hear Sam yell from the down stares, I get up from the bed, carry Emily, walk down to meet Louis again.

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