Wait For The Best Cha.4

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I hold in Emily hand, walk down to meet Louis again, 'welcome home Lou' my mom say, hugging him, he smile, I miss this smile so much, 'c'mon the dinner' Daddy say, we walk to the table to eat, I sit next to Louis, 'I miss being here' he say with smile, 'I miss you here' I say, he smile and rub my hand.

After the Dinner, Louis sit with the crazy twine and start to talk about the funniest thing about his life with his one direction members, his best friends, they laugh a lot, Louis spend a really long time since he was here.

Late at night, 'I wanna go to sleep' Louis say and stand up, I stand up to lead hi to the room, we walk up, Louis yell 'good Night' to my family, I laugh at him, 'we have to talk Li, but not now' Louis say, 'sure, I have a lot of things to tell you about Lou' I say with a smile.

Me and Louis walk into my room, 'we'll sleep here' Louis say, 'yes' I nod, 'umm, I'll sleep here' he say and jump on my bed, 'NO, this my bed' ,'great, you'll sleep with Em in the same bed' he say, laughing, 'fine' I say, Louis take off hi T-shirt, 'umm, I want you to come with me to the dresses shop tomorrow', 'why?' ,'for the prom, and Megan will go with us' ,'great, but..' ,'but what?' ,'when I'll meat your boyfriend?' ,'I don't know, he don't even call me, I'll call him and ask him to come and meet you' ,'no, wait till he call you, ok' Louis say, I nod.

Louis lay on my bed, I walk down ,'mom, I'm going to sleep too, Em c'mon' I say, Emily walk to me, I carry her and walk up to my room, Louis was sleeping, we change our clothes then we lay on Emily bed, 'yay Lisa, he so beautiful when he sleeping' Emily say, 'yes, he is' I say, I hug her, she warps her arms around me, 'sweet dreams Em' I say, then we fall in sleep.

At the next morning, I wake up by Louis open and close the doors, 'OMG, I wanna sleep here' I yell and cover my face with the blanket, 'oh really' Louis say and jump next to me on the bed, 'WAKE UUP LAZY' he yell, 'please..' I say, I sit on the bed, 'we have to leave in some minutes, we have to find the most beautiful dress for the pretty girl here, c'mon' Louis say, I rubbing my eye's, get up from the bed to the bath room, take a quick shower, wear my clothes and walk down.

We had the break fast,  Louis hold my hand and walk out, 'don't wait for us, we'll late' Louis yell while we in his car, 'Call your friend to come with us' Louis say, 'she change her mind' I say, Megan send me a message this morning tell me that she'll stay at home with Ian today, Louis and I drive to the dress shop, we walk in and start to take a look at the dresses, 'look you have to wear red one' Louis say, 'why red?' ,'coz you sexy and the red will show your body' ,'no, I'll not, but maybe' I say and walk to the red side.

'hey, what about this one' Louis say, show me a dress he choice for me, 'no' I say and look at the dresses again, 'this one' ,'Lou, no' ,'why?' ,'look, the top is lacy' ,'so..' ,'just no' I say, after a little minute, I find a great one, 'Louis look at this' I say, he look at me, 'yeah nice one, lets try it' he say.

I walk in the changing room, Louis hold my bag and my phone, I wear the dress, 'Lou, take a look' I say, Louis turn around and face me, 'wow, really wow, it's great' he say, I smile at him, 'ok, we'll take it, ok?' ,'sure' Louis say with a smile, I wear my clothes, walk out to meet Louis, 'lets go' he say, I nod,

Me and Louis pay for the dress, walk back to his car, 'it's really great, I like it so much' Louis say, 'thanks Louis' I say, 'where we have to go now?' Louis say while he driving, 'I don't know' ,'I know' Louis say, he drive to the mall, 'what we'll do here?' I ask, 'hey, you need a shoes' ,'ok' ,'and we'll have fun, like the last summer, do you remember?' ,'sure' I say with a smile.

Me and Louis walk in the mall, shopping till the night, I bay a great black heels, it's great, Louis choice it to me, 'we have to go home' I say, 'for the dinner, tell your family that we'll eat here tonight' Louis say, I nod, I send that to mommy, 'lets walk in this restaurant' Louis say, we walk in and take a seat, 'we'll eat pasta ok' Louis say, 'ok' I say smiling, I take a look around, I notice matt friends at one of the table, 'look I'll say hi and back' I say to Louis, he nod.

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