Chapter 2.

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Ayesha's POV.

I reached home and parked my car.

"Assalam-o-Alikum mama I'm sorry I'm late actually..." I entered in hall and was checking my messages on mobile and speaking continuously without looking up.

I looked up and froze. 3 women with a boy were seated on sofa and were looking at me. I stopped.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I said as I reached them.

"Wasalam." They all said.

"This is my daughter Ayesha. She's a doctor." My Mama said and one of the woman came to me and hugged me.

You once said Haadi that I'm yours.
Please come and make me yours.

I smiled or can say tried to. They make me sit with them. They start talking to me or it would be better to say interrogating me. They were asking questions which I was answering uninterestedly.

"Ayesha why don't you and zuhaib go out for a walk in lawn?" My nama said and I narrowed my eyes.

"That would be good." The boys whatever his name is said.

I faked a smile and walked out of the house in lawn. This was our little house which had a small lawn. My dad like flowers and gardening so this lawn was result of my Abba g's passion for nature.

We both reached in lawn. I was walking slowly. I didn't bothered to talk or look at him but I was feeling his eyes on me.

"Why you want to marry me?" I asked before he could ask anything.

"Huh I..I don't know" he said and I stopped.

I turned to him. He was looking at me confused.

"Why are you interested in this marriage?" I asked.

"You are not?" He asked.

"No." I said

"Why?" He asked shocked.

"None of your business. I want you to refuse me. You have to say no to this marriage." I said looking at him.

"Excuse me?" He asked still confused.

"Look its very simple. I'm not interested in this marriage." I said.

"So why don't yo say no to this marriage?"  He said and I hold my forehead.

Now how to tell him.

"Tell me why you don't want to marry me?" He asked and I looked at him.

My eyes,start getting wet. How long Haadi how long I will fight for us?

"I'm..I'm..someone else's." I said and tears start rolling down on my cheeks.

"Where is he?" He asked.

"I.I don't know." I said and turned to other side to hide my face.

"So when will he return?" He asked coming in front of me.

"I don't know..." I said and start crying.

"When did he go?" He asked and I tried to control my tears.

"12...12 years ago." I said.

"What? Are you mad? Twelve years ago. And you are still waiting for him!." He yelled almost and I nodded.

He took a deep breath and looked at me.

"May I know his name please.?" He asked and I was about to tell him his name when my mama yelled.
"Ayesha and zuhaib come back."

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