Chapter 3

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Ayesha's POV.
My life was going in wait of Haadi. Its been a month that I reject the proposal of zohaib. But he was not leaving me alone. As he said that he wanted to become my friend do I hold his hand of friendship. Everyday I received almost 10 calls of zohaib and a lot of Msgs. His msgs brings s smile on my face.

I came home after spending my all day with my patients and doctors. I spend some time with mama and Taayi g. They were worried for me since the day I told them about my love for Haadi. I ensure them that I am okay. But I was not. His memories were stalking me in every passing minute of my life. I could not help but to relive all the moments I spent with Haadi.

I changed to y sleeping suit and went to bed when my mobile rang.

"Hello doc how was your day?" I heard zohaib as I received my call.

"Assalam-o-Alikum zohaib." I said and heard him chuckling.

"Wasalaam..Doctor Ayesha how are you?" He asked and I smiled.

"I'm fine. How are you?? " I asked as I went to my bed.

" what were you doing?" Hr asked.

I opened the drawer and took Haadi's pic out.

"Just trying to sleep." I said looking at Haadi.

"With his picture in hand.!" Zohaib said

"How do you know that I'm looking at his picture?" I said fully surprised.

"I'm your friend and friends knows their friends." He said and I smiled.

"Ayesha sleep now. Don't think about him and give yourself some peace. "  he said and I sigh.

"I'll try." I said buy I know it was,not going to work.

"Good night." He said and I replied the same.

I cut the call and start looking at the picture. A tear slipped from my eye and fall on Haadi's pic.

I'm.missing you. With every passing second of my life Haadi I'm waiting for you. Please come back.

I talked yo his picture.

I wanted him.see I wanted to talk to him. All these years I spend without him I only did one thing that was to wait for him. To cone back.

I looked at his picture and start recalling the time I spend with him.


"Gosh mama made a huge list. She arranged so much." I said happily and look up at Haadi.

And froze where I was. His red eyes full of tears caught my heart. I was lost. I lost everything. I did the biggest mistake of my life to look in his eyes. Because I lost my heart to him. He stole my heart in just a second. He loves me I knew it but I never thought his love will pull me like this toward him. In just a matter of seconds he stole my heart with his eyes. I kept looking in his eyes. A tear slipped from his eye and roll down on his cheek. The bag I was holding slipped from my hand. His red eyes were making me restless.

"Haadi." I whispered his name and he turned immediately and ran toward his portion.

I was standing there all lost. My all happiness and excitement faded away. Now only I was feeling inside my heart was him. His eyes were not leaving me alone. My all interest in the coming proposal ended.

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