Chapter 8

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Haadi's POV.
As the door open,I saw my mom. After 12 years I was in front of my mother. Her tears roll down on her cheeks when she saw me. Before I could say something, my eyes saw her. I freeze where I was. Her eyes met mine and I find the lump of tears forming again in my throat. Her feet start moving toward me but I was lost. Lost in looking at my life.

My life my Ayesha.

My heart was yelling her name.  My eyes were looking at the face for whom my heart was yearning. Yearning to see her to feel her. My tears were rolling down on my cheeks. She stopped in front of me and we just keep looking st each other. I wanted to hold her to hug her to cup her face to kiss her every feature.

"Haadi." Her beautiful lips whispered my name.

"Ayesh." I said and she took a step closer.

She just keep looking at me and I was also lost in her. After 12 years I was looking at her. She was in front of me who was my life,the reason of my living.

"You came." She said in shock.

I nodded and took a step closer to her.

"Ayesh." I called her but before I could say something she fell down on floor unconscious.

"Ayesha." All yelled with me and I run to her.

She was saying unconscious on the floor and I just didn't think anything but to pull her in my arms and picked her up. I rushed inside the house and run to the Sofa to place her there.

"Ayesha open your eyes." I said looking at her face.

But she didn't. I was looking at worriedly. Her face was wet with tears. In her unconscious I could see still her tears running put if her eyes. I hold her dace in my hands and wipe her tears.

"Hey get up." I said but she didn't.

"Hasdi doctor is coming." I turned on the voice to see Zohaib.

I nodded and picked Ayesha in my arms again to took her to her room. I could feel everyone following me. But I didn't say anything. I was just feeling the world in my arms. My Ayesha. My whole world. I bring her closer to my heart and feel her with close eyes. Her fragrance was still making me fall for her. I slowly placed her in the centre of bed. Asiding the hair from her face I moved back,and saw doctor coming. We all went out and doctor stawt checking her.

I was waiting impatiently outside. Every eye was on me but for now I was only worried for her. For my Ayesha. I wanted to see her okay. Fit and fine. That's all I wanted now. Few time later doctor came out.

"She's fine. I think she didn't eat properly which cause her weakness. And one more thing I think she's passing from some mental disturbance. I prescribed some medicine. She'll be fine." Doctor said and I thanked her.

We all rushed inside to see her who was saying there on the bed. As I entered her eyes met with mine. She was really looking so weak. So pale and weak. Her eyes filled with tears as she saw me. Soon her face drenched with tears and she start crying with hiccups.

"Ayesha beta. Its okay." Mom went closer and hugged her.

But she was just crying and I know these tears were because of me. I was the reason behind these tears. I hurt her. I hurt her badly.

"Ayesh." I called her and she sat up.

"I want to be alone for sometime." She said looking down.

"Ayesh listen to me." I tried to say.

She wiped her tears and turned to her mother.

"Maha I want to be alone. I don't want yo see or meet anyone. I want to sleep." Ayesha said to Chachi.

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