Chapter 4

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Ayesha's POV.
I love you ayesh..

I will always love you.

"Haadi." I yelled his name and got up.

I look around yo find him. He was here close to ne. I still could feel his voice in NY ears.

Where did he go??

How can he do this? Making me feel all this. I look around to find him but he was nowhere. My breath was uneven. Tears fund their way pit from my eyes and start rolling down on my cheeks.

Come back Haadi before I die.

I cried and talk yo his image. My all days were filled with him. He didn't let me sleep at night but even when I tried to he start coming in my dreams. He was everywhere;in me,in my dreams in my heart.

I slowly walked toward the washroom yp freshen up. Today I don't want to go to hospital brcsuse I wanted to be alone today. I was missing him too badly.

As I got ready for hospital,I stepped down in hall where mama and Taayi g were serving breakfast on table.

"Assalam-o-Alikum." I greeted them.and sat.

"Wasalam.what happened to your eyes?" Taayi g asked looking at me.

My eyes lower down  and start eating my breakfast. I was feeling their eyes on me.

"Ayesha stop crying for him beta." Taayi g said and said next to me.

I didn't answer anything. What could I? I had nothing to say.

"I'm getting late. See you in evening." I said and got up hurriedly.

I hugged my mama and Taayi g. I took my things and rushed out,scared of getting caught by their questions.

As I reached in hospital the first thing I saw was zohaib standing at the entrance with a flower bunch in his hand.

"Assalam-o-Alikum doc." He said and I smiled.

"Wasalam what are you doing here?" I said and hold the bunch he was giving me.

We both start walking in.

"Well I thought to see you early in the morning so my day will be good." He said and I giggled.

"Really!!! That's nice of you." I said and we both entered my cabin.

"Sit." I said and he takes a seat.

"Well what..." He was about yo say something when his phone rang.

"Hi haddi." He said and my heart jumped.

My all intention was fixed on her. Haadi??? He knows him??

What if he's not the one which I'm looking for??

But what if??

I was stopped. I just don't want to think anything. My ears were fully concentrating on what he was saying.

"Yes bro I'm fine." He said.

I was restlessly waiting for his word Haadi to say it again.

"Really!! When?? "  he asked completely shocked.

"Man I'm desperately waiting for you." Zohaib again said.

My restlessness was increasing. Whim he was talking?? Who was on other side of phone??

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