Armin X Reader (Attack on Titan)

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(A/N 1. I swear a lot 2. This might suck white ass like Donald Trump)
No Ones P.O.V

It was a normal day for the Survey Corps. Levi has every one cleaning until the building is fucking spotless. You were grabbing cleaning supplies from the closet when you saw Armin. "Hey Armin." You said smiling cutely. Armin looks over at you and smiles back while a small amount of blood rushes to his cheeks creating a pinkish hue,"H-hi Y-Y/N ,how's your morning?" You smile wider and sigh a little "Well to be truthful with you,I'd rather be reading instead of cleaning ,because Corporal Levi making us clean like we're house wives is kinda sorta pissing me off..." You say feeling quite proud of yourself. "Is that so cadet Y/L/N?" Corporal Levi says with a tiny unnoticed smirk on his face. You tense up and slowly turn around to look at Levi. "N-n-no Corporal t-that's not w-what I meant!" You said waving your hand in front of you rapidly,and shaking your head back and forth. He sighs heavily "Punish Eren,not me!" Levi looked at me with his usual expression and started "blame Jäeger huh? I might just do that..But you have to clean longer than the others." "Anything sir I'll do it." He walks or more like struts away and you look back at Armin and sigh a little. "You know you could have told me Corporal was behind me.."Armin looked at you and scratched the back of his neck while blushing heavily. "I tried ,but you were still going on about us having to clean 'like we're house wives'.." He looked away still blushing as your mouth made the shape of and 'O' as slight realization hit you,as you muttered a small sorry.

*time skip to after your punishment*
Your P.O.V.

'Holy shit I finally fucking finished' I thought as I sigh softly while eating my dinner,and I constantly hear Sasha begging for my food or asking for it. Of course I ignore her,but I give in and finally give her my bread. Once again I sigh as I look at my long time crush,Armin.
A small tinge of red rises to my cheeks as I see Eren looking at me constantly ,and telling Armin something as he looked at me also. I suddenly get a small boost of confidence as I stand up and walk over to his table, as I'm get closer to him, I say confidently "Hey Armin can I speak to you outside for a second?" I could feel the heat rising up my cheeks. He looked at me then at Eren,who nodded, he then looked back to me "O-of course Y/N." He blushed lightly and followed me out of the dining hall (is that what it's called? I kinda forgot).

No ones P.O.V.

You smiled as if the world was free from Titans, as you turn around and the door closes Armin asks you a question "So why do you need to speak to me Y-Y/N?" That was the moment all of your confidence faded away. "W-well A-Armin I just wanted to s-say that I like you and if you don't like me back than that's ok...." You looked away,your face completely red. Out of no where Armin grabbed your chin and softly,turned your head towards him. "I like you too,Y/N." The blonde boy kissed you softly and you kissed back. At that moment you pulled away hearing loud cheering and clapping. Armin and you looked over to see everyone inside against the window staring at you and him. You tried to ignore it as you looked at him again, "So does this mean we're t-together?" You shyly muttered out. Armin grinned widely and kissed you again ,but with more passion as everyone's claps and cheers got louder.

A/N.. This oneshot was kinda cheesy and cliché. Please request a character/oneshot

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