Sebastian X Reader (Black Butler)

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*Your P.O.V.*

Today is the day... I sigh louder than anticipated as my carriage was taking me to the Phantomhive estate.I looked at my hands while waiting. I heard the trotting of the horses stop when I looked over I saw that my butler had opened the carriage door. "Why thank you Albert." "It is my pleasure your highness." My butler ,Albert, replied helping me out, then bowing.

*Normal P.O.V.*

You walked up to Ciel's estate and knocked on the wooden doors. The door opened to reveal your favorite person, Sebastian. "Why hello Sebastian.~~" You said looking into his piercing red eyes, which were looking into your (E/C) ones. "Good evening lady (L/N)." He bowed looking at you still, which caused you to blush . " I thought I told you to call me (F/N)..." "Ah,yes I am sorry lady (F/N).~~" he kissed the top of your hand, you blushed . "Follow me, the young master is in his studies." You followed Sebastian, with a pink tinge on your (S/T) cheeks, meanwhile walking you saw Finny and Bard. Both Finny and Bard looked at you and smiled ,which caused Sebastian to look over at them and hiss, the duo left. You and the demon butler (yes you know about him and Ciel's contract) walked to Ciel's office; while you two were walking down the hallway Sebastian stopped and looked at you and smirked, he began to speak."Lady (F/N). May I ask you a question?" "Well Sebastian, you technically asked me two questions." You held up two fingers looking into his red eyes. "But since you're cute I'll make an exception for that first question." You responded, Sebastian looked at you smirking."Lady (Y/N) did you just call me 'cute'?" You look at the red eyed demon a little, "Yes! But i wasn't thinking when I said it!" You covered your face in complete embarrassment.

*Your P.O.V*

'Dear heavens what is going on with me! I need to calm down, chill out, and stop worrying.... But what if he doesn't love me back..." At this point i'm starting to hyperventilate. I uncover my face and look everywhere other than Sebastian's face. I felt a hand reach under my chin and lift it, by now I am looking into the demon butlers red eyes; which is mere inch from my face might I add. "Lady (Y/N), I may be one hell of a butler, but I can't help falling for you." He looked at my face sensing that I was very flustered. "But can we change that by making me your one hell of a butler?" I nod my head furiously, "Indubitably!" I some what scream. Sebastian grinned and asked a very valuable question. "May I kiss you lady (Y/N)?" Once again I nod furiously. That's when he leans down to my height and kisses me on the lips, it wasn't hard, but it wasn't too soft either; in other words it was perfect. As soon as we pulled away from the kiss, Ciel came stomping out of his office "SEBASTIAN!! What has taken you and (Y/N) so long you were down the hall from my office, I've been waiting for her since she arrived!!" "We were almost there my young lord, the lady just had to fix her dress to look a little more.... Presentable." We then proceeded to Ciel's office and I spent the rest of the eyeballing Sebastian.


A/N: well it's been a long time since I updated last ,but school has been hectic...
I hope this one shot was worth the wait.

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