Kaneki Ken X Reader (Tokyo Ghoul)

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(A/N once again this will most likely suck white ass)
You were walking down the street listening to (artist/group/band) when you felt a shiver run down your spine, and you had the sudden feeling that something was watching you. But, of course when you turned around no one is there, so you continued to you destination, home.
While you continue you still feel like you're being watched. You safely make it home, you reach your (S/T) hand into your jacket pocket to grab you keys, but they weren't there you also check you pants pockets and you still had no luck on finding them, so what do you do?.. Well let's just say your stupid ass goes back to where you were when you felt like someone was watching you.

*time skip because I'm lazy and its 1:03 in the morning*

You looked everywhere for your fucking keys and still no luck

*Your P.O.V*

'Oh where are they' I mentally whined. " Looking for these?" I hear a semi deep/kinda pubescent voice say as I heard the sound of keys being tossed up and down. I looked over to the source of the voice only to notice a quite handsome teen with my keys in his hand, tossing them in the air. "May I please have my keys?" I ask politely. He looked at me questionably. " I don't know what do I get out of it?" "I don't fucking know a boner ,dude I don't know how you roll, can I just get my keys back...?" The teen blushed and looked away, he tossed the keys at me and I caught them. I started to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I looked questionable this time "I'm Kaneki, just so you know." "Y/F/N Y/L/N... Can I go home now?" Kaneki smiled slightly and kissed my cheek quickly. "I'll see you around Y/F/N."  I blushed deeply. "You too Kaneki, you too."

*Normal P.O.V*

Kaneki walked you home to make sure nothing bad happened to you. When you got inside you slid down your door smiling like and idiot. That chance encounter was the start of something beautiful.

A/N sorry Kaneki was a bit out of character ,plus this was kinda short..

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