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It was about 4 months after the accident and Michael was back home, as good as new. (major time skip cuz I'm lazy and lost hope for this god awful book)

In the hospital, he lost some weight due from not eating as often or as much, but that doesn't mean he didn't gorge out on food still.

The now blue haired boy had just had a rather upsetting binge session, crying so hard into Ashton's chest that he nearly threw up all the treats he had devoured.

Ashton was laying next to him, smiling as he watched his boyfriend sleep peacefully and snores leaving his luscious lips, that had some frosting and sugar on them.

Ashton wanted to help him, he truly did, but he didn't wanna do anything without Michael's consent first. He wanted to call a therapist or someone to help him get better, but he was afraid Michael would get angry or something.

He was just worried for him.

Ashton looked at his sleeping lover, rubbing his thumb over his stubble covered cheek, giggling a little as Michael made a small noise in his sleep.

Ashton kissed his forehead and smiled

"I'll always love you Michael"


Michael woke up in the middle of the night by his phone ringing, he picked it up and immediately regretted it as he heard the voice.

"L-Luke?" Michael stammered as he quickly left the room, "Hi Michael." The blonde mumbled through the phone, "Why are you calling now? It's 1 am." Michael yawned.

"I wanna be with you again"

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