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there wasn't anything calum loved more while on tour then having you stand side stage. that fact that he could be on stage doing what he loved and have the person he loved most watching him made him the happiest boy alive.

for you watching his smiling face look out into the crowd and playing his heart out on the base is what makes the hours of travel worth it. the way he runs off stage into your arms (though very sweaty) his smile and happiness makes you melt.

unfortunately for him you haven't been able to fly out this tour to see him. you busy work schedule has kept you stuck at home. or so he thought.

with the help of the rest of the boys and their tour manager you had arranged a surprise visit to their next show. while the boys were on their way to the venue on of the stage crew stopped by the airport and picked you up. once you got to the venue you hid in one of the unused dressing rooms until you were sure the boys were on stage. as soon as you got the cue that the show was ending soon you walked out right in front of the opening to the stage the boys would be walking though to get back stage.

as soon as calum saw you he didn't even give you time to speak before his arms were wrapped around you waist and his face was nuzzled into his neck.
"i miss my biggest supporter" he whispers in your ear.

you just smile chills running down you back as you tighten your grip. the click of cameras go off around you as the other boys are all snapping pictures on their phones. you both just laugh and you hide your face further into calums chest.

later that night your phone goes off while laying on the couch in the back lounge with calum and the boys. it's a notification from twitter.

"@ calum5sos : this one surprised me backstage tonight. couldn't be any luckier."

attached was one of the many photos taken of the two of you. you saved it as your lock screen and just smiled.

for the rest of tour you took your place backstage waiting for your boy to make you smile.


im just a cheesy lil bean sometimes man. anywayyyyy i hope you guys enjoyed this mini imagine. i was kinda low on inspiration for this one but I think it came out cute none the less. ~lyss

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