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"Severus!" Isabella exclaimed, a Veela who was giving birth, held her husband's hand tight

"A little more Bella, a little more," said Snape, trying to calm his wife down. Isabella did everything, her best even, until a healthy, beautiful looking baby girl was born. Snape, with tears, smiled and held their daughter, which was crying. He was successful to make the child quiet by humming a song he and his wife fancied.

"I-I want to see her Severus"

Snape nodded and carefully gave the sleeping baby in the hands of his wife. Isabella smiled as she saw her.

"L-let's call her Zoe... One day, you will do great things, my child, you will be the smartest and the bravest anyone has ever seen. Y-you will be amazing my dear"

She smiled once more and kissed Zoe on the forehead, causing the sleeping baby to smile. Snape took Zoe and carefully placed her on a crib. He went back to his wife.

" How are you feeling?"
"I feel....absolutely weird... Like I ate something and tried to push it out making me feel... Weird"

Snape chuckled at his wife's answer. You see, even if Snape was cold, with his monotone voice that irritated you, he actually loved a woman opposite his characteristics. Isabella is a full Veela, but she doesn't need that veela charm, because everthing about her will make any guy happy. She was so charismatic, she had such a possitive aura that her simple smile can make the saddest person on Earth happy again, she cheers everyone up and fights for what she believes in.. Snape didn't expect it either. He actually never imagined himself marrying a woman that was just happy that you might think she's gone mental. But Snape loves her, everything about her is what Snape needs, and now, a little addition to the family will make his life beyond perfect.

"We have take Zoe away... In the hands of the dark lord, Zoe will be in danger. And I want her to enjoy life.. And not live in the shadows following the Dark Lord's bad deeds... We...we-we must.."

Isabella closed her eyes in pain... She was breathing heavily now, like something heavy was on her chest making her hard to breathe. Snape started to panic.

"B-bella my love! W-what's wrong?!"

Isabella didn't answer him. The pain she felt was unbearable, and she knew at once that this was it. Her journey stops here. She opened her eyes one last time to see the worried face of her husband. She reached a hand at Snape's face, smiling one last time.

"Make sure that Zoe's safe... Okay?"
Snape nodded, sobbing already
"Don't cry, my love... You look awfully ugly, to be honest"

Snape, still crying, smiled a little at her remark even when she's in pain, she still jokes around, Snape thought.

"I love you....forever"
And with that, her eyes slowly closed, her hand on Snape's face fell fast. His eyes were wide... Disbelief evident in his features.

She can't be dead, he thought, she must be fooling around again

But she wasn't. Life had left her body, but her soul will always be there, with Snape and their daughter, who was unaware that her mother had just died, on the day of her birth. On a day that could've been the happiest day of her father's life, but ended in heartbreak.

"No.....NO!!" Snape hugged his wife tight, crying his heart out (A.N: imagine that scenario on the Deathly Hallows part 2, where Snape cried over Lilies body)

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