Chapter 5: A Letter from Hogwarts

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Zoe was in her room, staring at Harry's house. Even at her own home, she could hear Uncle Vernon yell at Harry. She knew that he didn't really mean that to happen, they don't even know how the glass mysteriously disappeared.

"It was like magic!" she heard Harry shout, but Zoe knew that like before, they wouldn't believe him. And now he's grounded, he wasn't allowed to go outside and see his only friend. 

While looking out her window, with thoughts of when she'll be seeing Harry again, a brown owl passed by and it seemed like it was holding something from its beak, and it looked like a letter. The owl swiftly released it, leaving it in the front door of their house. Zoe rushed out of her room and oppened the door, she saw an envelope and flipped it, here it said:

Ms. Zoe Jones
The blue room upstairs
5 Privet Drive
Little Whinging, Surrey

Her eyes widen in shock, and she looked from left to right and behind her to see if someone was watching her or if someone was just messing around. But there wasn't. She rushed up to her room and opened the letter:

            Hogwarts School
   of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Jones,
  We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

After reading the letter ten times, Zoe screamed in happiness! If this isn't a prank and the letter tells the truth, then that meant that Zoe was a witch! Could she really be? Now that she thought of it, strange occurrences that couldn't be explained kept happening around her. The ability to see the future, snow falling from the ceiling whenever she felt sad, flying plates when she had a tantrum. Everything finally made sense to her.

She is a witch.

She was jumping up and down until her door burst open and a worried face of her father appeared. His hair was messy, his clothes were still pajamas and he looked like he had just woken up.

"What! What's wrong?!"
"Dad!! I got a letter! Look!"

She showed her Dad the letter and in an instant, that once haggard face he had changed into a happy one. He called his wife and told her about Zoe's letter and they were all happy. Of course, they knew she was a witch. Eleven years ago two wizards came into their home and told them about Zoe, and it was only a matter of time until their daughter would receive a letter for her to attend a wizarding school.

Events such as this needed to be celebrated and Zoe's parents thought that they should eat dinner outside.

Zoe was outside their house, waiting for her parents. She never released the letter she had because the letter might disappear. 

Across their house she saw Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia putting all their stuff inside the car. I wonder where they're going? She thought. Harry was the last one to get out of the house, looking frustrated as ever. He looked up and was surprised to see Zoe outside their house. She waved at him with her hand holding the letter. But Harry wasn't looking at Zoe, he was looking at the letter in her hands. His eyes widen when he realized that it looked exactly the same as his, but he didn't get the chance to read it because Uncle Vernon burnt them all.

I should've just hidden the letter before I gave Uncle Vernon his mail, Harry thought, or I should've just picked up the letter on the floor and ran out of the house since the living room was literally raining with letters. It made him close his eyes in frustration... why didn't he even think about that in the first place?

 Uncle Vernon seemed to notice Harry's reaction and looked at Zoe, then the letter at her hand. Like Harry, he looked as shocked as ever.

"That girl's a... Nevermind, get in boy"
He pushed Harry in the car before he could go to Zoe and say goodbye. And they drove off to Merlin knows where.

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