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He was standing in the middle of the crowded bus stop, waiting for the bus to come. He looks up at the sky and it was starting to get dark, the wind starts blowing. He grabbed his umbrella from his bag and held unto it, just in case the rain starts pouring without the bus yet to come. Good thing he was aware with the possible weather for these days.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, as he felt the first few drops of the rain. He quickly opened his umbrella and then grabbed his phone, just in time the rain started.

"Yoongi? Where are you? Teacher's here already" Jin from the other line whispered, so he won't be noticed by the Prof.

"I woke up late and got stuck here in the bus stop. The bus isn't here yet, I don't even know what's taking it so long" he said irritated knowing he'll be marked absent by now already. It's been 15 minutes since the class started and it takes the bus to arrive in his school for another 15 minutes.

"You always wake up late. You really have to set your alarm as many and as loud as possible" He sighed, and Yoongi can hear him shift from the other line.

Yoongi snorted and just scoff, "I can't help it, it's no use. Besides, I can still get inside just in time before the teacher does"

He heard Jin snickered, "Yeah, but you woke up extra late today. How are you suppose to come to school now. You'll probably miss 2 subjects if that bus won't arrive anytime soon"

"Well, then let me borrow your notes for today, I'll just skip the morning classes" Yoongi said as he heard a deep sigh in the other line. He decided to just give up when he felt that the bus won't arrive in his favor and start walking away from the bus stop, since he was already marked absent for the first class and would probably be as well as the second one.

Jin clicked his tongue and just gave in, "Fine, I'll hand them to you later this afternoon. Be sure to come or else..."

"Alright, alright. I still have some several hours. I'll just go home and get back to sleep, it's damn early and I didn't even get to class" He grunted, as he held on tight on his umbrella, shivering a bit by the cold wind.

"Okay. Be careful then, and stay out of the rain, it's getting heavy" Jin had his motherly side that led Yoongi to roll his eyes.

"Yep, on it. Thanks again" He soon hung up as he heard Jin response with a hum.

He shoved his phone back to his pocket and clutched the strap of his bag tighter as he walked quickly through the rain.

It seems though that the rain is pouring down all it's might that he thinks he won't be able to arrive to his apartment with him all dry. Jin might kill him for not taking his advice. So to spare his life, he quickly paced towards the old park where he knew there was an open hut with benches just near the small river. It was relaxing there with the trees and the smooth sound of water flowing in the river. It was the best place for leisure and it might as well be as nice as it is with this rainy weather.

As he arrived at the park, the wind started to blow harder, he needs to get there faster if he wants to stay dry.

When he got to the bridge, he sprinted his way to the hut for safety and closed his umbrella.

He placed his umbrella down and wiped off the small drops of rain from his coat and placed his bag on the bench. He looked up to the sky, and it seems the rain won't stop anytime soon either.

He checked the time and it was still 5 hours until his next class in the afternoon. He clicked his tongue and slumped down on the bench beside his bag.

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