15 • flashbacks

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i thought about us.

you and me,
i think about us all the time.

i have flashbacks of us.

flashbacks of our first meeting,
where we met at a theatre
for a musical, and you mistook
me for your friend and ran up to me.

flashbacks of our first date,
where you invited me to your house
and we watched movies
and ate the dinner you made for us.

flashbacks of our six months anniversary,
where we went to a proper restaurant,
and we toasted to ourselves,
and we hoped that us continues.

flashbacks of when i moved in,
where every morning,
you and i woke up
right next to each other.

flashbacks of our silly squabbles,
where we would yell
and then it always ended
with kisses and giggles.

flashbacks of our fights,
where one of us hated each other
so much that one would get up
and get out of the room.

flashbacks to our break up,
because good things don't last forever
and forever is just a

i have flashbacks of something that never existed.

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